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hamburger hot dog bun recipe


New member
I’ve been searching like crazy for a bakers recipe for hamburger and hot dog bun recipe (with poppy seeds for Chicago dog) and can only find volume measures recipe. Also how many ounces for each? I figure if I’m going to buy a dough rounder may as well put it to good use. Thanks everyone
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Good question! In Paris every little independent quick service restaurant makes their own buns. Next time I go by one I’ll see if they tell me where they got their recipe from. :rolleyes:
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Well, the hamburger place was closed for August. I swear half of Paris is closed in August. Even the homeless people are gone!

Anyway, I got this photo tease from John Arena who says he has a great brioche bun recipe but only sent me the picture! Says he’ll be sending the recipe soon… I’ll post it when I get it! He uses it for burgers, egg sandwiches and also sells them wholesale.
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That would be great. I have often thought the ovens could be put to good use in wholesale baking after hours!
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Behold! John Arena’s Recipe for brioche burger buns.

Here is burger bun recipe: Please note that our baking formulas are usually communicated in grams so I gave you metric and a close approximation for our archaic American measuring system. Also all measuremnts are by weight never volume.

All Purpose Flour 4578 Grams (10lbs 3 oz.)

Water (72 degrees) 2040 Grams (4 1/2 lbs)

Eggs 714 Grams (1 lb. 10oz.)\

Fresh Yeast 200 Grams (7 1/8 oz) If using dry active yeast reduce by 50% Do not use instant yeast

Salt 92 Grams (3 1/4 oz.)

Sugar 572 Grams (1 lb. 4 1/2 oz)

Butter (softened) 720 Grams (1 lb. 9 3/4 oz)

Combine ingredients in mizer and mix for 3 minutes on speed 1

Mix for 12 minutes on speed 2 Cover and allow to rest for 1 1/2- 2 hours depending on temperature of kitchen

Divide into desired weights and gently shape buns

Place buns on sheet pans covered in parchment paper and place pans on bakers rack with cover. Allow dough to rise until buns are raised and airy.

brush each bun gently with egg wash taking care not to push air out of buns

top with seeds of choice if desired

Bake for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees to desired color.
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