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Handling Blocked Numbers


Staff member
I have finally come out of the 20th century and added the Caller ID feature to my POS. When call comes in from a Blocked Number nothing registers on the system. I am thinking of adding the feature to my phones that will not allow blocked numbers. Any thoughts on this?
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With the technology available today, I see no reason for doing this. I can get an app for my Iphone that will allow me to change the name and number that shows up on your caller ID to Jenny and 867-5309. If you’re worried about the order, give a call back to verify the number and let them know you are going to do so before hanging up with them. My guess is that sometime in the the next few years caller ID won’t be much help in our business.
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A lot of people choose to block their numbers for privacy or security reasons. A number of my neighbors are in law enforcement, for instance, and they all have their home numbers blocked. You’d probably block a few telemarketing calls, but you’d miss out on some orders too.
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These people were valued customers, then YOU changed to caller ID, and now you are considering banning them? Something is wrong with that picture…
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The idea is not to ban them but to have them allow their number to be displayed. There is a feature that can be place on the phone line that plays a recorded message saying this number requires all incoming numbers to be displayed. It then would instruct them to press a number to continue.
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I would advise against it because they may have their number blocked for a number of reasons, such as they use it for their job in telemarketing, law enforcement (as mentioned previously), or just because they do not like people knowing their number (same thought process behind a separate e-mail address for online forms (because of spam) and one that only important people have. If you make them have to display their number just to place an order with you, it could deter them away into calling the competitors.
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My system blocks numbers that have caller ID blocked. We did this long ago after a driver was robbed and the caller had caller ID blocked. The driver should have called the customer before delivering, especially since it was a new customer and the house was dark…expensive lesson

since then, we do not accept calls with caller ID blocked. A couple of people got upset but we explained why and they understood. As Paul points out, with technology available today this does not provide the level of protection it once did, but I can tell you that the cell phone # we captured on our second robbery was the only way the cops caught the guys that robbed our driver a couple of years after that.
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I can get an app for my Iphone that will allow me to change the name and number that shows up on your caller ID to Jenny and 867-5309.
LMAOROTF…I hope that I am not the only old dog that caught this reference :lol:
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Never having even heard of a delivery related robbery in our town… this is not something I have ever thought about before.

All in all, I can not see blocking customer calls over them blocking caller ID. A robber could just get a throwaway phone and use that to call you… I do not see where alienating customers makes sense over this issue.
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Thanks for the input. I watched the system closely over the last couple of days and the blocked calls only account for about 2%. That is not worth bothering over.
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lol Jenny
Makes me want to put the song on the background of my call sequencers opening message and see how many customers give me that phone number when ordering.
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Is it possible to block certain numbers from being able to call?

Is it legal to record calls for quality purposes without having to state it to the caller? And does anyone record calls? We have one guy that will order one thing, and after it’s delivered call and claim he ordered something else. I’d just love to be able to have the guy listen to his own call.
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To your first question, I know that with some companies you can block incoming calls from certain numbers. It depends on your provider though.

As for the second questions, it really depends on factors pertaining to your jurisdiction. For the most part it is legal to record a conversation when there is no expectation of privacy. However the question as to whether or not a call to a restaurant or walk in order is expected to be private (as it is typically 1 on 1 if no one else is around) is a gray area.

Furthermore, most states allow a “One Party Consent” to recording conversations. Simply put, as long as you are okay with the conversation being recorded in its whole, it is okay. However 12 states (California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington) require “All Party Consent”.

So basically what the courts do is ask two questions:
  1. Was there reasonable expectation to privacy of the conversation? If the courts determine this to be no, then you are free to record without consent. If however they determine that there was a reasonable expectation of privacy then they ask
  2. Was there proper consent given? If you live in one of the One Party Consent states, and obviously you consent, you are covered, but if you life in an all party consent state you need consent. This is where in turn you hear the voice letting you know the call me be recorded. It is commonly accepted that if you choose to speak after hearing this, you are consenting.
Now keep in mind that is just some general knowledge I picked up for some things I have done in regards to recording. There may be additional local laws or something I am unaware of, so you always run the risk of a civil action being taken against you unless you consult an attorney who practices law in your jurisdiction. But that should at least give you an idea.
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Is it possible to block certain numbers from being able to call?

Is it legal to record calls for quality purposes without having to state it to the caller? And does anyone record calls? We have one guy that will order one thing, and after it’s delivered call and claim he ordered something else. I’d just love to be able to have the guy listen to his own call.
UncleNicksPizza was pretty much dead on…I have 1 Year of law school behind me and by no means am acting as an attorney, nor am I giving legal advice. But I can tell you that in semester 1 of law school the answer to any question always is “it depends”.

For example, I live in Texas that is a 1 party consent record state. So if me and my employees consent to the recorded phone call then all is good even if I do not tell the caller that I am recording the conversation. But if you live in a jurisdiction that requires both parties to consent then you will need to notify the other party that the call is being recorded.
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Twice this week it would have been handy to require customers to unblock their number. Fortunately my daughter was the one who took the calls and suspected there was something not right. It could have cost me $200 between the two calls.
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Rockstar pizza:
So I think I am going to get this, they get me once then they go on the blocked number list
The calling number data has to be transmitted in order fo this to be useful which leads back to the original question. Do you make it a requirement to have the number displayed?
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HMMM, I always get blocked calls but its the name that says blocked I guess I am lucky because the number always shows up
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