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Handy tool for Facebook


New member
I thought I’d pass this along for those of you that have Facebook fan pages. Last month I came across a website that provides a free social media dashboard that allows you to manage your Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts. The website is:

I use it to manage my Facebook Fan Page. I can schedule all of my status updates for the month in advance. It’s great because it allows me to put my Facebook marketing on autopilot. At the beginning of each month I set up different specials, offers, contests, etc. for each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I then choose the date and time that I want each of them to post. From there it’s on autopilot and I don’t have to do anymore work. It’s great because it’s free and keeps my Facebook marketing consistent. Prior to finding hoot suite I wasn’t very consistent. I’d get busy during the day and often forget to do my status updates.

Well anyways, I thought this might be a handy tool for a lot of you guys.
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We are not huge on facebook, but we are currently at about 1300 fans & about 200 followers on twitter & I have been using Hootsuite for about 4 months now. really easy to use and free!
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I use both Hootsuite and TweetDeck. In my opinion, they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

I love that Hootsuite is hosted online so you can sign in anywhere and multiple people can have access and monitor your accounts.

I love that Tweetdeck is a download and that it runs in the background while you are on the computer and will instantly give you a popup on your screen letting you know when people DM or Reply to you as well as any keywords or people you choose to follow.
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