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Happy Anniversary!!!

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I just wanted to take a moment and thank Steve, Linda, Liz, Tom, and all the other supporting people that make PMQ and PMQ.COM happen. They all help direct, encourage, teach, inform, sometimes correct, and always support the people of the pizza world. Congrats on 15 years of success and looking forward to another 15 and beyond. Thanks once again for doing what you love too do. PIZZA :!:
I just hit my seventh anniversary and without question I would never have made it this far without PMQ and Think Tank for ideas and answers.

Congratulations Steve and staff.
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We too have to chime in and say Happy Anniversary. It’s great to come to a place to share all our stories, our victories, our defeats, our problems, and our “great” ideas with people who are working just as hard as we do. This magazine and this forum have really helped our small business these past 15 years and I’m sure will help all the other brand new pizza entrepeneurs who have pizza sauce running through their veins. Thank you PMQ!
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Wow! Thank you, everyone! We are so appreciative of your kind words and hope you know how much you all mean to us as well. We hope to be here for many more years to hear your stories and share in your successes!

Liz Barrett, editor-in-chief
PMQ Pizza Magazine
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Ditto on the accolades from my end of the world! We’ll celebrate our 2nd Birthday March 1st. The Tank was instrumental in paving the way to my lunacy! I took a TON of my business plan information from the Industry Info tab and linked reports from the Census issues. I’ve gotten priceless information, some asked for, some not…ahem, from the posters. And made life-long friends, many whom I’m sure I’ll never meet, who’ve offered suggestions, and helped keep my eyes pointed the right direction these last few years from the posters on the boards.
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