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HarborTouch POS


New member
Hello everyone,

I have considered POSuccess and a couple of others, but I am \tThinking about going with HarborTouch POS system. They charge $59/mo to lease thier system. I like that I don’t have to worry about tech support and will always have the latest system. They pretty much handle everything. If I have a dead machine, they will ship me out a new one.

My question is about their merchant fees. They are going to charge me .165% per swipe plus a $.15 per transaction fee (Credit or Debit, VISA, MC, AMEX). They said that they would match any other merchant’s quote as long as it was in writing. Does this sound like a fair price? What do ya’ll think?

Thanks in advance.
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DO NOT DO IT!!! I have Harbortouch and it is a piece of junk. I have had two computers crash in 1 year, technical support is a total joke(wait up to 2 hours to talk to a person), twice in a year the computer has not batched several days worth of credit cards, in ten years of business by far the worst decision I have every made is using harbortouch. I also forgot to mention if you actually ever do get through to technical support 75% of the time they do not know how to fix the problem. RUN RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM HARBORTOUCH!!
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