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Have a prosperous New Years Eve


New member
I wanted to wish everyone out there a busy night, and a Happy New Year after that! I hope this year brings everything that you all hope for. I think it is going to be a great year. I also want to thank all of those here in the TT for contributing thoughts, marketing tips, and even the occasional venting, to help fellow pizza operators be successful. It is nice to know that there is always someone here… we’ll see u in the chat. Again, Happy New Year All!
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May auld aquaintance be forgot and never bought to mind …

Same to you GT and Best wishes for the New Year for all the Think Thankers.

Must also pass on my sincere thanks for all the comments made during they year. Some were downright brilliant, others made me look at things form a different perspective, but most important was the comradery between all tankers.

Of course we had Nick with his jibes at me during the year and I’m sure again in 2008 - will be disappointed if he desist. He can go as hard as he likes as long as he doesn’t post a picture of himself in a thong :shock: 😃

Just finished a fantastic sales year with an increase over 2006 of 24.5%, up $101,160 (average $1945 per week more than each week in 2006). Broke the $500K barrier.

Going by the Oct / Dec quarter where we averaged $11k per week we are aiming for sales of $600K + for 2008.

Had a sell out night New Years Eve doing $1440 in 3.5 hours with me on the make bench, 1 counter staff and 1 driver. Did 51 x 13", 15 x 10", 15 x 15" and 5 x 18". Closed off orders at 8.30pm and closed the doors at 9pm.

Go for it in 2008.

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