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Health Insurance

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hi everyone,

Great site ! Just registered with the Think Tank and have a question.

My wife and I are about 6 weeks away from opening a delco pizza shop. As if the construction wasn’t confusing enough we are now dealing with finding health insurance for our family. My wife had great insurance until she left to become a full-time mom and help me with the store.
Does anyone know of a good health insurance plan or company that we could use that won’t cost us more than $1000 a month like her cobra would ?
We have two children ages 19 months and 4 months.

Thanks ! I look forward to contributing all I can to the forum.

hi everyone,

Great site ! Just registered with the Think Tank and have a question.

My wife and I are about 6 weeks away from opening a delco pizza shop. As if the construction wasn’t confusing enough we are now dealing with finding health insurance for our family. My wife had great insurance until she left to become a full-time mom and help me with the store.
Does anyone know of a good health insurance plan or company that we could use that won’t cost us more than $1000 a month like her cobra would ?
We have two children ages 19 months and 4 months.

Thanks ! I look forward to contributing all I can to the forum.

Check with your chamber of commerece
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I only pay $270 per month For a Blue Cross/ Blue Sheild PPO that covers My wife and I. It can’t cost that much to add two children to the plan.
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our rates have been increasing double digit %'s for the past 3yrs…not sure how much higher it could get…my family rate(me, wife, 2kids) is over $1k/month…cant wait till the wife goes back to work to get her benefits back!
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Re: hello

Welcome to the group.

I would find an individual policy for you and your family. We have Alliance Blue Cross Blue Shield for our store so everyone is part of a group, they are robbing us blind. But a few employees have checked into individual plans and it is a lot cheaper. As soon as we can all switch or find new we continue to get robbed.

Good luck to you and let us know how things are going.
I pay $1550 per month for my family & my manager’s(each have 3 kids).
2 years ago switched from Keystone after 5 years of 10% plus increases. it’s slightly lesser coverage but way cheaper. It’s I think or—not sure
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While this thread was running in June 2006, I appreciate the new info. I am running health insurance research right now for myself. It’s a carnivorous world out there :shock:
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look at nba, National business association insurance division. me and my wife got it along with our kids, full medical, dental, vision and even life insurance for $453 per month. hope it helps