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Heavy Snow and Delivery


New member
With me battling to get drivers off the beach with 38c in the sun how are you guys going with deliveries with the heavy snow falls being experienced across the USA, Canada and England ?
We are getting some really horrenous stories in the press and seeing unbelievable traffic snarls and holdups caused by the extremely heavy falls.
Just can’t imagine sending someone out in that sort of weather just to deliver pizzas to someone who wants to stay warm and dry indoors at someone else’s discomfort.
I guess this thread should be in the “delivery” section but as more people read this one I guess there will be more replies.
I just find it somewhat unnerving that someone would send drivers out in the type of weather we have seen on the news.

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All of my delivery vehicles are all wheel drive. At this point I have not had any troubles. I doubt there will be a need for it but I have access to a street legal tracked vehicle if things get too bad. I will be the only delivery in the city. Here it is in action
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Our average winter snow fall is 335 inches of snow. Our delivery vehicles are all wheel drive Subarus. I guess some of the places being hit with snow this season are not used to it, but if you are it is not a big deal.
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All of my delivery vehicles have snow tires on them, so unless we get massive amounts of snow getting around isn’t too much of a problem. I constantly harp on my drivers about slowing down, being more cautious, and stick to the main roads as much as possible. With that being said when we are delivering during snow storms all of my order takers inform the customers that delivery is taking longer due to the road conditions. Sometimes we quote 60 minutes, sometimes we simply say we’ll get there as soon as conditions allow. If a customer doesn’t like the wait, we tell them they can come in and pick up their pizza, we’ll have it ready for them in 20 minutes. The normal response to this is “The roads are awful, I’m not driving in a snow storm!” Exactly. :roll:
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Here in central South Carolina, accumulation of snow or ice is so rare that the municipalities are not really equiped to handle it properly and the drivers are not experienced in how to drive in it. As soon as it starts to accumulate we shut it down send the drivers and kitchen staff home before it gets nasty. I stay with one or two others that know how to drive in snow and offer carry out orders if customers want to venture out. Fortunately we have only had that problem about 3 or 4 times in the nine years we have been open.

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Here it is in action
that is quite cool. makes me want to move north and start a business just so I can drive it around!
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If I find myself looking for an extra paycheck to get through a lean patch . . . can I come up there and drive that tracked beast around?
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If I find myself looking for an extra paycheck to get through a lean patch . . . can I come up there and drive that tracked beast around?
I don’t own the machine but do have access to it if need be. The guy I bought my micro delivery van from has a fleet of them. They are way too much fun.
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If I find myself looking for an extra paycheck to get through a lean patch . . . can I come up there and drive that tracked beast around?
I don’t own the machine but do have access to it if need be. The guy I bought my micro delivery van from has a fleet of them. They are way too much fun.
The only trouble I see with it is if you have abig delivery and the bags don’t fit in the cab. Be abit cold when they get to the destination being in the back. 😛

Great fun for the driver though. If you had these you would be knocking back people wanting to drive for you.

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48F when we closed tonight. Looks like mid 50’sF tomorrow. No snow trackers going in service here tomorrow. 😦
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48F when we closed tonight. Looks like mid 50’sF tomorrow. No snow trackers going in service here tomorrow. 😦
Or here with 38c ( 100F) today and the first 4 days of the New Year 40c (104F)

Send a little cool snow down here for a few hours

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It to 39 below zero here (that is the same in both scales) the snow is only about, 18" deep and the roads have been cleared.
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We have had about 190" inches of snow so far this season (yes, that is about 16 feet). Temp outside my kitchen window right now is about 5 degrees F.

It was blowing and snowing last night during the rush. Today/tonight will be better weather which is good because New Years eve is a big night for us. Should run close to 4K.

Wish us luck! (and please vote for Soda Creek Pizza on the “Best in the Boat” poll at this link: … /questions)
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17 inches of snow yesterday. Made for a good day shift! People sitting around watching football and ordering pizza!
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No delivery today, roads have about an inch of hard pack on them and now freezing rain is falling. Even the major highways around us are completely coated. South Carolina is not equipped for this. Our cars are not equipped for this. I had to work at getting out of my driveway and I grew up in central Maine and know how to drive in the stuff, but a 2WD SUV with all season street tires just sits on top of the crap and spins.Temp is not expected to get above freezing all day and weather is supposed to be mostly freezing rain with a little more snow mixed in. Sure wish we had a few sand trucks. 😦

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Rick even though I grew up in Chicago and still live in the midwest… I can feel for you and living in an area that is not equiped for snow or ice. Back in 1998 I drove south to visit friends in Atlanta and boy was I in for a treat. It was Sunday and about 50 outside and the news was all about schools closing, airports shutting down, all offical offices closed for Mon-Wed at least. I was laughing driving in my AWD Suv and the roads were empty… I was more concerned about where the heck all the locals were hiding. Well… Monday the big storm of a couple of flurries hit and OMG the pileups on the highways… planes were all grounded…etc…etc. It was scary at how people that do not drive in snow or ice react to having it around them. I understand airports not having de-icing at their locals…and if there was significant snow that without plows you are in a bind… but there wasn’t enough to coat the sidewalks. Yes, a little ice…but not even enough that the midwest would send out the trucks. Funny for an outsider that lives through it every year… but like I said… I feel for you living among people that are not exposed too it on a regular basis. Hang in there… the good news is that although it is 7 degrees outside right now where I am… you will likely have 50-60’s in a day or two. 8)