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HELP Collecting Money from Event!!


New member
I did an event over a month ago in my town. It was called the Buffalo Pizza Bash. Tickets were sold for slices of pizza and we were to redeam the tickets in at the end of the show for payment. For over a month I have been trying to get in touch with the promoter, Keith Wilson, to turn in my tickets and receive my payment. Everytime I talk to this guy he says he’s “on his way out”, “the check is in the mail” “I’m too busy to stop out” blah blah blah. I feel that he’s trying to scam me. He owes me $750.00. Any suggestions on how I can go about collecting my money?
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Send a ceritifed bill in the mail with 10 days for payment given. Then send a second certified letter after he does not pay within 10 days with your intent to file a small claims suit against him… give him 3 days to pay this time. Then just file the claim. I do hope you have a written contract as to how this was suppose to be handled? Also, he was the promoter…have you talked to other vendors about their paymenta? Was this a city backed event or totally private? If the city was involved…call the city and inquire / report what is going on to see if they can help. Sounds like he is running off with the money or used your money to pay other expenses. Good luck.
I don’t have a written contact but I do have all the tickets in my office. I have offered to meet him anywhere to exchange the tickets for the money but he always says he’s too busy.
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