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Help identifying pizza oven. Guess that oven...


New member
Hello Fellow Pizza Lovers!

I recently inherited this pizza oven and I am not exactly sure what brand or model it is. All the serial numbers or any kind of identification have fade off (I have checked everywhere).

The oven works and is missing the oven conveyor assembly (which I plan to get and put it to use). Some of the research I have done lead me to an older Lincoln 1000 series oven but I haven’y seen one with double doors that open out like this one.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

(Mr. George Mills? Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor at said your are the equipment genius!) 🙂
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I’m pretty certain that you are correct in your guess of a Lincoln 1000 series. As far as where to find a conveyor platform and possibly a door with a window, I would contact MFB out of Pennsylvania. Before manufacturing Edge Ovens, they used to refurbish old Lincolns. They may still have a bunch of parts from back then.
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Being as old as it it it may be costly to refurbish and/or operate…Before you spend a lot of money you might want make some calculations as to operating cost/production volume of old versus newer…
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I have a Lincoln 1450 that was mfg in 1998 and it only has an on off switch. I believe the three switches came out the next year. Have you tried doing the pencil etching. ( where you put a piece of paper over the plate and go back and forth with the pencil) to try and get the numbers off of it.
The barn doors where pretty standard for the lower oven in a double stack.
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There’s no such thing as a free horse. And I would assume that goes for old ovens in this shape. For your money and time, I’m sure you can find something better.
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that looks like a lincoln 1000 series I have a double stack of these they have the doors with windows though. These things are so old they need one of everything im actually looking to get rid of them and get a new set of ovens pretty soon. Our conveyor motor went out on the thing at we were quoted 2500 to fix the thing. Be aware that you will be spending a lot of money on these things in maintenance just like you would an old car.
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Hello all! I just joined this group and excited to give and receive advice and best practices. My family and I own a small take out and delivery restaurant for the past 23 years. We just decided to get a conveyor belt oven… Lincoln impinger, 28 years old, model 1040. We cook our pizzas in pans and are having difficulty getting the bottom to cook. Suggestions please! I thought I did homework before we bought but apparently not enough. Thank you fellow members.
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Hello all! I just joined this group and excited to give and receive advice and best practices. My family and I own a small take out and delivery restaurant for the past 23 years. We just decided to get a conveyor belt oven… Lincoln impinger, 28 years old, model 1040. We cook our pizzas in pans and are having difficulty getting the bottom to cook. Suggestions please! I thought I did homework before we bought but apparently not enough. Thank you fellow members.
Whats your bake time/temp? What pans are you using? What’s your finger setup?

Besides these questions, if you didn’t modify your dough recipe (less hydration) when switching to a conveyor (presumably from a deck?) then you’ll need to augment that in order to make the change successful and get the bottom to cook.
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Being as old as it it it may be costly to refurbish and/or operate…Before you spend a lot of money you might want make some calculations as to operating cost/production volume of old versus newer…
^This. Put that baby out to pasture and have George set you up with a new Edge which will come with a nice warranty as well and perhaps leasing options if you are worried about the upfront cost.
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Joe hit the nail on the head! Bake time, temperature and finger configuration are all critical aspects in achieving a decent bake with an air impingement oven. Additionally, the color (dark or bright) of the pans can make a significant difference in the quality of bake too. It always concerns me when someone buys a “used” air impingement oven and then has a difficult time getting a decent bake. In MANY cases we find that the oven might have a special finger profile or a proprietary finger profile (common if the oven was originally purchased by a chain). This finger profile may or may not be correct for your pizza. Typically we have air impingement ovens set up with a full open bottom finger profile. My suggestion is to pull the sleeves and check to see what finger profile you have across the bottom. This is also a good time to do any cleaning of the fingers that might be needed too. If you find that you will need to replace any of the finger positions the cost will be about $125.00 for each finger that needs to be changed. Some time ago I wrote an article in PMQ covering used/refurbished ovens.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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