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help... old PESI oven need more capacity


New member
Bought a 1828 PESI oven to open our fledgeling shop overseas. It actually has worked great for us. We have recently moved to a larger shop and need to expand our cook capacity. We will have about 40 seats and take away and delivery. I was going to order again but they are either out of business and or unreachable? I have then considered an XLT.

Being overseas it is not as easy to obtain equipment or parts.

Two questions:
1 parts availability for the PESI ovens? belt? controls? etc.

2 Which oven manufacture would anyone recommend and size for 40 seats plus delivery.

Thank you,
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The last I heard was that they were out of production in the U.S. but still in production in China. Also, since they were just refurbishing, and to some extent, redesigning existing ovens, (mostly Middleby Marshalls), depending upon what parts are needed, you might be able to match your needed parts up with something from a Middleby oven. You might run this across George Mills here at the Think Tank to get his take on it. Do you have any idea of how many pizzas you’re going to need to bake during the busiest hours? What about product mix, or will it be all pizzas?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hi Eric:

Tom asks some good questions. Is your oven one of those produced in China? If so, parts for XLT Ovens should be adaptable for use on your oven. if you have one or two Pesi ovens and wish to add another deck the XLT of the same size could easily be placed on top of yours or yours on the XLT.

The closest XLT that we have to yours is the model 18-32. Ours is the same back to front dimension as yours but 4 inches larger L to R. Placed on top of yours it would extend 2 inches over the R & L ends of your existing unit.That would not inhibit the operation of ether oven.

As to production capacity you would be better to have a triple deck. If you Have only one Pesi you would be better to get 2 XLT ovens that would give you a maximum production of 70 -15 inch pizzas if using a 6 minute bake. You would have about 45 pizza production with just 2 ovens.

Do you think that will be enough production?

If you select to buy XLt I can show you the configuration in which to order the XLT and how to mount it on your existing oven.

George Mills
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Dear Tom and George thank you for your responses.

The PESI I have was made in China. There is a supplier in Europe that is offering as a choice a TS2 XLT that predates Quiet Fire, any precautions?

As far as production capacity we are guessing but will have seats for 45 or so. I though someone would have a guess on what kind of capacity that would entail from experience. Related to that would it be OK to stack a 2440 or 3240 under our existing 1828? Although we are leaning towards one 1832 for now and adding again if needed, to make a total of 3.

If we start to bake other products for example muffins, pies, wings etc. we will use a different type of oven if these ovens do not work.

Thank you for taking the time to write back! -Eric
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Hi Eric:
The PESI I have was made in China. There is a supplier in Europe that is offering as a choice a TS2 XLT that predates Quiet Fire, any precautions?
The earlier XLT work fine but the latest models have vastly more efficient burners and use substantially less gas to bake the same amount of product
As far as production capacity we are guessing but will have seats for 45 or so. I though someone would have a guess on what kind of capacity that would entail from experience. Related to that would it be OK to stack a 2440 or 3240 under our existing 1828? Although we are leaning towards one 1832 for now and adding again if needed, to make a total of 3.
A) It is difficult to predict sales. I recommend that the operator calculate how many pizzas he needs to sell to earn the profit he desires from his operation. Then add 20% and then as most sales will come on a Friday evening between 6 and 9 make a WAG as to how many pizzas you will have to produce during those hours and size your ovens to match. And yes, your oven can set on top of any XLT. The ovens are not certifide for that but lots of folks do it with no problems as yet that I know of. If and when you are ready to do that let me know and I will send you a sketch of how iI suggest it be done.
If we start to bake other products for example muffins, pies, wings etc. we will use a different type of oven if these ovens do not work.
The air impingement ovens can cook or bake anything that will pass through th conveyor opening. The standard XLT oven has a 3-inch tall opening. An optional 4 -in tall opening is available for $700.00

George Mills
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