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Help! Oven manufacturer has me over a barrel.


Staff member
I have a gear that is stripped in the gearbox on the motor that runs the conveyor. The manufacturer will only sell the complete motor assembly for $685 plus $50 shipping. The oven is a Doyon FC2G and the motor is made by RAE Corporation. I am not sure who made the gear box as there are no markings on it.
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If you want to go McGuyver, find a local machine shop. They would probably be happy to do it for pizza.

I needed a part that I broke while screwing around on a slow day, and went to the machine shop at the local university and had the part I needed in a few hours.
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Thanks for the leads. I went to a couple of locals and they said they couldn’t do it but could send it out for around $300.
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I needed a part that I broke while screwing on a slow day.

Did it hurt?

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