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help us name this pizza, please


New member
We’ve created a pizza that has Bacon, Mushrooms, Artichoke Hearts and diced tomatoes on a garlic ranch sauce. It’s on a thin crust and is sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and our house blend of spices. Of course it comes with Mozzarella Cheese. Here’s the kicker… We don’t have a name for it. We’ve come up blank! Some of the suggestions are Bella, the Antipasto and the Arti. HELP!!! Thanks!
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Where are you located? Maybe there is a landmark or local legend you can name it after? Some local hero or the person who designed the thing? These would be my 1st suggestion. Then maybe see if one of the high schools or community colleges would let it be their mascot pizza . . . . we have the “Gator Pie” for the Grantville Gators. Give them a hook and reason to think it is special to the area. We also have the A&WP for the historic Atlanta & West Point railroad line that runs through the center of town.

Cali-BAM! (Bacon . . … Artichoke . . . Mushroom)
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You created a new pizza & you probably want your customers to try it great way to do that is have your customers name it pick the best submission.
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