Help with DiamondTouch?


New member
Hey everyone, i’ve been having some issues with DiamondTouch that I was hoping someone could give me some tips on. About a week ago, I had an employee call me and tell me that the computers were acting “messed up”, and when I went in, there was a full day of sales records missing, and we had pulled in about $300 less than we do on any normal given day. I’ve had problems with this employee before, and after going into the DiamondTouch folders, I noticed that there were data files missing information and things, and I was wondering if there’s any sort of Administrative logs or anything, that would allow me to see certain commands executed by employee’s in DiamondTouch to see if this information was intentionally deleted to cover up a theft, or if i’m at a loss. Also, the data files are still there, although some of them appear to be empty, so I was wondering if there’s an import feature that would allow me to try to import those records back into DiamondTouch to recover part of the data. If anyone has any thoughts, please send them my way. Thanks for your time.
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I noticed no one responded to help with your problem. Did you contact Diamond Touch to try to resolve it? There are some fundamental problems with all of these “windows based” POS systems that the companies fail to mention to their customers. Your big worry is that if this happened once it WILL happen again.
I’ve had Diamond Touch for 3 years and I’ve never seen this problem. I would guess the info was intentionally deleted to cover a theft or some other major mistake. We do a daily back up to the server as well as to another terminal to assure we have all our data in the event the server failed. If you’re doing this, you might find the data still exists there and can be copied back to the server files.

My first call would be to Diamond Touch support. They have helped me in the past with other small issues. They might be able to tell you how to recover your missing data.
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