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Help with recipe for Sub Bread, white and wheat (or multi) baked in conveyor


New member
Hey all, have not been on here in years since I sold my shop. Now we’re getting back into it but just doing pickup/delivery instead of sit down like or previous shop which had a wide variety of menu items and drinks.

Anyway, we are getting a VCM this time and conveyor ovens. And wanting to do subs, I know new recipes need to be create for the machine and also to be baked in the conveyor in the morning.

We are wanting to keep just the two options of White and either Wheat or Multi… 8" or 16" long about 3" in diameter.

Any help with a recipe is appreciated!
Also, anyone have a place to get loaf pans this size? Our last sandwich shop, we had a bakery make our bread for us daily, we do not have that option here so we’re doing this from scratch.

Thanks all!
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A white flour recipe and a link to Tom’s recipe are in this thread: Subs with my own dough
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A multi-grain crust is almost universally perferred over a wheat type bread. If you want to convert my regular hoagie bun dough formula into a multi-grain formula all you need to do is the following:
  1. Purchase a multi-grain blend (7 or 9-grain blends are very popular) from any bakery ingredient supplier.
  2. Soak 10-ounces of the grain blend in enough water to make a very thick paste. You will need to go back to it several times to add more water as it hydrates but once you have added enough water so it doesn’t thicken up appreciably for an hour you can calculate the absorption % of the grain blend (amount of water added divided by the weight of the grain blend).
  3. Reduce the absorption number by 5 for the grain blend this is the number you will use from now on. Example: 10-ounces of grain blend and 7-ounces of water = 70% absorption minus 5% = 65% absorption.
  4. Based on the weight of white flour in the formula calculate 30% which is the weight of multi-grain blend that you will add.
  5. Put the multi-grain blend in a container and add water based on your absorption calculation for YOUR grain blend being used.
  6. Allow the grain blend to hydrate for 60-minutes (longer won’t hurt anything).
  7. Add the hydrated grain blend to the dough ingredients as an ingredient and mix until a smooth dough is achieved.
  8. from this point on you can handle the dough in ther normal manner for making hoagie/sub rolls. I like to brush the fresh baked rolls with melted butter or olive oil for added richness.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom do you have a good brioche bun recipe for bUrgers and sandwiches? I’ve found good recipes but nothing with bakers percent.
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We just made some last week. Here is the dough formula that I used.
Flour (strong bread flour) 100%
Salt: 2%
Sugar 13%
Liquid whole egg: 7%
Butter: 6%
IDY: 4%
Water: 52% +/-

For the best quality bund make as a sponge-dough process using a 70% sponge.
Flour: 70%
Water 50% (about 75F)
IDY: 2%
Mix 5-minutes, allow to ferment 4-hours.
Target set sponge temperature: 76 to 78F.
Flour: 30%
Salt: 2%
Sugar: 13%
Liquid whole egg: 7%
Butter: 6%
IDY: 2%
Fermented sponge (all)
Water: 56% of the total flour weight minus the amount of water already added to the sponge. (ice water).
Combine all ingredients and mix at low speed for 5-minutes then mix 10 to 12-minutes at medium speed (low speed mixing WILL NOT work here)
The finished dough should have a well developed gluten structure.
Target finished dough temperature: 78 to 82F.
Take the dough directly to the bench and scale into 90-gram pieces. Form each dough piece into a ball.
Place rounded dough pieces in lightly floured dough boxes or sheet pans then dust the top of the dough pieces with flour.
Set aside and cover to prevent drying, allow to intermediate proof for about 15-minutes, then flatten each piece by hand to about 5/8-inch thick or a little more.
Place each flattened dough piece onto an oiled sheet pan for baking (3 X 4 configuration).
Cover the dough pieces with a sheet of plastic to prevent drying and allow to final proof for about 60-minutes. You may need to experiment to find the best time for your shop conditions.
After proofing and immediately before baking brush the top of each individual roll with beaten whole egg.
Bake at 375 to 400F
Remove rolls from the baking pan(s) immediately after baking.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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You might contact R.T. Bundy & Associates or 937-652-2151 to see if they have any used pans that they will sell to you. R.T. Bundy is one of the largest new/used/refurbished bakery equipment suppliers in the U.S. They are located in Urbana, Ohio.
If you can’t get the pans you want and don’t want to spring for those new ones, you can bake them on any sheet pan and they really come out quite well. We used to show attendees at the NAPICS show how to make the hoagies on sheet pans without the indented cups.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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