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Help with weights from FLoz to # oz


New member
Hi all, I do not have these 3 items readily available to me right now but I need to know for my pricing structure.

I’m going to use an 8oz and 12oz foam squat cups with flat lids for Sm. and Lg. orders…
Because those are measured by fluid oz, I need to know what the weight in oz of: Potato Salad, Tuna Salad, Chicken Salad would be in these containers.

I just need a rough estimate of the 1oz weight vs 1 oz fluid.

Thanks for the help, much appreciated!
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One fluid ounce of water weighs one ounce. The relationship is only valid for water, all other substances have different weight to mass ratios.
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Exactly, thats why I need to know how many OZ (weight) of each of these products will fit into an 8oz and 12oz squat
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Get a scale, one of your cups, and start measuring. I did that with my cheese.
I do not have these 3 items readily available to me right now but I need to know for my pricing structure.
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Ok bringing my mfg experience to play here there is no way to answer your question until you produce and actually weigh your exact items. It’s the reason for that disclaimer on most grocery store items…like tubs of butter… “Filled by weight not volume”…why? This is your issue. Depending on your batch…that 12oz liquid ounce cup might weigh 8 oz or it might weigh 20 oz! If you are selling sides like that…and to not plan on actually putting each and every one on the scale…then your production of each product…or if you purchase it… had better be consistant. You HAVE to scale your own finished product and then on those items I would give yourself an extra 10-20% profit margin just to cover these overages. Think about your local ice cream shop… like a coldstone or such. You want a pint…it’s 16oz of weighed ice cream. I have seen my pints be 3/4 full and other times they barely get the lid on. Be careful with this one as it could really add up. Better example… do you use a cup for cheese on your pizzas? Do you weigh it or does employee A pick up a scoop really fast…no compacting… while employee B packs the cup by hand…adds 30% more cheese to same cup! It’s why pizza dough is done by weight…you need 8oz yeast not a cup! :!:

Just a note…I do understand you dont have them in front of you but if this is for something like you are adding it to menus or print ads…etc… something that you are now held to this price… slow down and get them infront of you. It will be worth the effort!
My guess is you do not have your recipe cost set at this point anyway so you are shooting in the dark in so many ways. Just go to the grocery store and buy some ready to eat salads re-portion into the cups you are planning to use and weigh them. That will be plenty close enough for this exercise.

For a prepped item like that, I would take my recipe cost, divide by the number of servings it will produce less 5% for waste, add the cost of the serving container and divide that by .25 to get my target menu price. Then I would adjust that price up or down to some point that makes sense to me. i.e. I would never price something $5.32. I would either go down to $5.00 or up to $5.50 but that is just me.


$32.00 Recipe cost makes 10 pounds

10 lbs X 16oz = 160oz

160oz = 26.7 6oz servings less 5% waste and portion control loss = 25 servings

$32.00 divided by 25 servings = $1.28 each plus 20 cents for container and lid = $1.48

$1.48 divided by .25 = $5.92 target price. I would call that $6.00
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you probably already answered your questions yourself by now.

The potatoe salad in a 12 oz squat weighed 15 oz (this was making it nice and full but not packing it in) a 2 oz cup filled tight weighed just less than 3 oz. (between 2-3/4 and 3).
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Peneope hits this right on the nose! For profits sake, and not sure why you need these number so quickly…the numbers can scare you in different directions. A 12oz that weighs 15oz…ok a 25% loss. or the single serving that is a 2oz cup holds 3ozs! Now we are at a 50% waste! Does your pricing cover this extreme of variance? I doubt it. What happens when a large 16" pep pizza has a food cost of $8 instead of the $4 it should have? I know you and everone gets it! Can I ask why the rush to put numbers to everything? :?:
My answer to the original post would be that each such container will hold at least the listed number in weight. Now, decide how much weight you want to provide in each one. Sell only be weight and never volume. Check the deli secton of your local grocery and see that many commercial products are partially filled and weights listed. I sell hummus in 8oz and 12oz containers . . . and weigh each one.
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