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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. To quote Dickens. Even though the economy is in the toilet, it does bring out some crazy opportunities. I am thinking of opening a jump and play center next door to my pizzeria.
And would LOVE some feedback!
So in case you do not all ready know this, I own a pizzeria in strip mall, We are pretty successful, And by that I mean
we are making a profit during the recession and holding my own against the big boys…ie domino’s, papa johns. We have a full service dine in (think pizza hut layout). Over the last 6 months we
have had standing room only every single Friday night and most Saturdays too.

We also get a LOT of requests for Birthday parties; while we do them we do
not have just a special room for them. (we get at least once every two weeks if
not more.)

OK the good first, The unit next to me has been vacant for almost 5 years. I
have been a model tenant and the landlord is really trying to fill the whole
center. He has offered me what I consider a great deal. 4 months free rent, the
next 4 months at 1000.00 after that we evaluate the business and come up with
an amount we both can live with., He will add the party room and the bathrooms,
maybe even the flooring.

My town has 21,285 people as of 2010 survey,

The median income for a household in the town was $53,629, and the median
income for a family was $63,245.

Calling the local schools just in my 2 mile area, there roughly are 4000
elementary kids.

Competition, there is one that is kind of close, and of course taller than
us and bigger than us. But they are getting blistered by the customer service reviews and after a visit the reviews are NOT unfounded,
after reading the reviews I was blown away how they remain open.
There is a place that is 45 minutes away called Monkey Joes,
They are on the opposite side of town.

The bad, its only 4000sq ft, with currant ceiling height of 9.5 ft. and a
max height of 13.75 ft. if I remove the panels…IF this turns profitable he
did say he would be open to raising the ceiling by having someone come in and
vault them to a desired height. (Not the first year though.)

I think this will be a good add on to my pizza business

First does anyone have any experience with an arcade? I assume most companies bring their own equipment and set up and give you a small fee? Not sure how that works waiting on a call back now.

My first impressions on pricing is
mon thru fri 7.99 2 and under 4.99— Saturday and Sunday
9.99 two and under 4.99 hours noon to 8 is close to inline as my pizzeria
So I will need to see what kind of traffic I need to become sustainable.

Also that would allow early bday parties…

Also cross marketing with my pizzeria will be so much easier!
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I think a “jump” type party place is about 2-3 years too late - I believe they peaked a couple of years ago.

We supply pizza to 3 Monkey Joe’s in our area(s). A year ago it was 4, but one closed. The other three saw a big decline in business over the past 18 months. I don’t think people are willing to spend $200-$300 for their 4 year olds party - not to mention the competition for those parties has increased exponentially in the past few years.

That ceiling height is going to be a real problem if you are going to compete with Monkey Joe’s and the like. I can think for 4 other “inflatables” type places here and none of them have ceilings anywhere near that low.

Also, check on insurance. From what I understand, it is not cheap for that type of business.
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I checked into a growing chain of franchise “jump and play” business. They would not even consider me because our area’s population was under 250K! You need a lot of people to be successful at a business like that.
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Insurance would probably be high for a bounce thing…

You have to ask yourself… are you going to get enough business from this to cover the change in the rent after 8 months to make it worth it? yes its standing room only on the weekend but the rest of the week not so much?

Will you need to hire more staff with that standing room sitting now and waiting on food?

Places like Chilis and Applebee’s have standing room only every weekend as well…

What I am getting at is would you be shooting yourself in the foot?

For me Birthday Parties are not that great… they come in and take up a bunch of tables for maybe 5 large pizzas… kids are all over the place… while its a good shot in the arm, I would leave that kinda stuff to chucky cheese.
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Rockstar pizza:
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. To quote Dickens. Even though the economy is in the toilet, it does bring out some crazy opportunities. I am thinking of opening a jump and play center next door to my pizzeria.
And would LOVE some feedback!
So in case you do not all ready know this, I own a pizzeria in strip mall, We are pretty successful, And by that I mean
we are making a profit during the recession and holding my own against the big boys…ie domino’s, papa johns. We have a full service dine in (think pizza hut layout). Over the last 6 months we
have had standing room only every single Friday night and most Saturdays too.

We also get a LOT of requests for Birthday parties; while we do them we do
not have just a special room for them. (we get at least once every two weeks if
not more.)

OK the good first, The unit next to me has been vacant for almost 5 years. I
have been a model tenant and the landlord is really trying to fill the whole
center. He has offered me what I consider a great deal. 4 months free rent, the
next 4 months at 1000.00 after that we evaluate the business and come up with
an amount we both can live with., He will add the party room and the bathrooms,
maybe even the flooring.

My town has 21,285 people as of 2010 survey,

The median income for a household in the town was $53,629, and the median
income for a family was $63,245.

Calling the local schools just in my 2 mile area, there roughly are 4000
elementary kids.

Competition, there is one that is kind of close, and of course taller than
us and bigger than us. But they are getting blistered by the customer service reviews and after a visit the reviews are NOT unfounded,
after reading the reviews I was blown away how they remain open.
There is a place that is 45 minutes away called Monkey Joes,
They are on the opposite side of town.

The bad, its only 4000sq ft, with currant ceiling height of 9.5 ft. and a
max height of 13.75 ft. if I remove the panels…IF this turns profitable he
did say he would be open to raising the ceiling by having someone come in and
vault them to a desired height. (Not the first year though.)

I think this will be a good add on to my pizza business

First does anyone have any experience with an arcade? I assume most companies bring their own equipment and set up and give you a small fee? Not sure how that works waiting on a call back now.

My first impressions on pricing is
mon thru fri 7.99 2 and under 4.99— Saturday and Sunday
9.99 two and under 4.99 hours noon to 8 is close to inline as my pizzeria
So I will need to see what kind of traffic I need to become sustainable.

Also that would allow early bday parties…

Also cross marketing with my pizzeria will be so much easier!
Forget the jump play thing. Go with redemption games. They are great source of cash income. Relatively easy to maintain and will drive you just as many bday parties as the inflatable thing. We buy all our games through Bay Tek gaming. If you are serious about this idea, give them a call they can help you with a lot of your questions… And I would go with 2 party rooms. We have just one and every weekend I wish I had at least one more…
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