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Here's one to ponder...


New member
I think we,re gonna give away 3-5K medium pies away, over a two day period…a nightmare to be sure…

Probably 20 batches of dough and 700+#'s of cheese…

We’ve no way to store/prep that much dough, so I reckon we’ll have to par-make some in tubs and finish/proof on the fly…

Any other morsels of wisdom are greatly appreciated…lol
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That is huge. Have you measured your oven capacity? Even at 200 pies an hour 2k is 10 hours straight. I remember 1000 pie orders from the U of M football team. We were pushing 600 pie hours in 4 MM ps360s. Not fun, but at the same time it was kinda fun.
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Scott Anthony from Foxes Pizza Den in Punxsutawney PA was a speaker at Pizza Expo. He does a deal with his local fire department. He said they had such a big demand that they brought in a portable pizza trailer to help with the demand. I believe it was a test kitchen belonging to one of the oven manufacturers. He said they also would provide coupons so the customers could take advantage of the deal at a different time rahter than have to wait for a long time. You can contact Scott through his website I know he would be more than happy to help you out AND get your story.
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Now that’s something I hadn’t gotten round to figuring out yet…oven capacity…lol…

The beginning nitemare only began with a 1,000 pies…reckon I need to reponder…

I know the dough/cheese is for approx 2K of 'zas…
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Rental refer semi trailer to store dough in…ovens are another issue!
You may be under estimating the amount of cheese and the amount of dough. If you use 5.3 ounces of cheese on a pizza you will need 1000-1666 lbs of cheese. if you dough balls are 12 ounces, you will use approx 30-50 bags of flour. (50 lb)
Cost of cheese $$$
cost of dough $$$
cost of sauce $$$
Cost of boxes $$$
Goodwill created if you can put out your best product … Priceless!!!
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Ya, I originally costed out 1,000 pies, but my 1st post was listing 3-5K pies…in hindsight, not real practical…lol…

We may opt for a 2K free weekend & some coupons…
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Wow that is alot! We have done an order of about 400 on occassion. We found making the pizza and putting it in the box helped save some space. (Before cooking) but did make the boxes a little sloppy.

Wear comfy shoes :mrgreen:
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We’ve several 600 pie orders in the past…we got that figured out…lol…

But oven capacity will indeed trip us up…we may try to oven-cast over a 2 day period tho…
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