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Hi! paul7979 question about World busiest pizzeria.


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Paul you are in Gainsville Florida right?

There is this guy on kamrons website claiming that his store Five Star Pizza(I am not 100% sure with that name) double the sales of the busiest Dominos Pizzas in whole United States locates at Gainsville Florida.

Is it true?

I am assuming they make at least $50K to $60K a week.

If it is true than it makes them busiest pizza DELIVERY company in the world.
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I’m in Jacksonville NC and I believe the Dominos here on Camp Lejeune serving the Marine Corps base takes that title.
I know the La Nova pizzeria by me does 100K a week :shock: .I know Joey(grandson) has a column on here and has some excellent advice that I would advise all to read.They did a piece about their store a few months back.Good pizza too.We get it at work sometimes.
Thanks Mr.Guest but I said Pizza Delivery Company, La Novo is more like a pick up and dine-in business.
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The Domino’s in Gainsville, Fla. is the highest volume Domino’s in the country. It was owned/managed by a guy named Fred Webbe (<~ I think that’s how you spell it) last time I remember. And yes, the store did about $1.5 million a year in net sales. The record week, however, for a Domino’s pizza store was in Myrtle Beach, SC back in the late '80s/early '90s, topping sales of over $100k in one week.

So if this “five star pizza” guy claims he’s doubling Domino’s he’s doing VERY well. Maybe you should ask him to come in here and give a little advice. -J_r0kk
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I haven’t seen kamerons website, but one of the five stars here does between 1.6mil and 1.7mil. This will be my first million dollar year so I’m a few steps back but catching up quick. As far as the Dominos here, I would really doubt they are close to the busiest in their company any longer. Freddie Whebbe has increased the number of stores from three to six in town since taking the honor of having the busiest dominos store, so his delivery areas have been broken up much smaller. As far as the claim that this store doubles the busiest Dominos, its probably Kameron blowing smoke to sell the Black Book, but he does do one hell of a volume of pizzas.
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Last year the busiest Domino’s store in the world was in Ireland not the US.
Thanks Mr.Guest but I said Pizza Delivery Company, La Novo is more like a pick up and dine-in business.
I see you edited that now.Not mr guest just wasn’t signed in sorry.
La Nova Has about 10 delivery drivers at each store,I assume they just deliver to the peoples cars in the parking lot.We order from there often and someone DELIVERS it to our plant.
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I actually never edited that part.

In order make $100K a week in pizza delivery business you probably need 60 to 70 drivers working full schedule on Friday night not 10.
In Average With 10 drivers(Friday) you will make around $15K a week in pizza delivery business.

Pizza Delivery company is different than dine-in pizzerias who does delivery.
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from the dominos website:

Busiest Stores on the Planet

The Busiest Store in the U.S. award went to a Domino’s store in Camp LeJeune, N.C. Managed by Mike Jones, the store’s sales totaled more than $2.5 million in 2004. The store also received the U.S. Busiest Store award in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 and 2003.

Abroad, the Busiest International Store honor went to a Domino’s store located in Dublin, Ireland. Managed by Mark Hayes, the store saw sales climb above $2.6 million in 2004.
That may be the busiest store for Dominoes but Moose Tooth in Alaska does around 5.7 mil a year and Pizza Shuttle in Wisconson does 5.0 mil a year according to Pizza Today I have heard that Pizza Shuttle is dong around 600+ deliveries on a friday night now that is busy many stores would be happy with 600 a month
Looks like wisconsin is the place to open a store. I know another place in Madison that does over 3 mil per year. Judging from pizza shuttles website, a similar operation, serving everything under the sun, a bunch of different sauce options, delivery, dine in and a bar. I can’t imagine the systems it takes to keep all of that organized with sales voume like that.
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I have heard that Pizza Shuttle is dong around 600+ deliveries on a friday night
That’s insane. 600+ deliveries on Fridays? Pizza Shuttle? That pizza is cheap, glorified cardboard. Is this info verified? I’ve got one over here in the next town over that does… okay. They’re averaging in the teens with the college kids as their bread and butter. But $96,000/week? I don’t think so. That’s busier than most Applebee’s and Chilis combined.
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Actually I believe the one in Wisconsin and the one in Kansas aren’t related. If I recall, the one in Kansas used to only sell 10" pizzas for cheap and did a great volume. Now I see they sell a 14" pie as well. The one in Wisconsin does “gourmet pizzas”, burgers, fried foods, pasta… They are a destination place for the students at Marquette. Definatly a place I look forward to visiting sometime.
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During the week between Christmas and New Years, Villa Pizza has a store in Time Square that did $83,000 in a week. And they don’t do any type of deliveries.
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