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High Volume Deck Ovens, Who is using Them?


New member
Looking for dependable high volume deck ovens for NY style pizza concept. 150 to 200 18†Pies per hour.

I am working on a new concept that will sell mainly slice and whole pies.

I really don’t want to hear about how good is the conveyor. I used conveyor my previous pizza shops. I am not new here in this board, those of you know me as Pizza_Tony (NOT FROM CHICAGO) I lost my password.

I searched and find out about followings;

Fish ovens: Great for high volume pizza shops. It provides nice crisp pizza. But Only one oven if it breaks down we got a problem.

Marshall Sons: I would need to put 4 of them in order to keep up.

Rotoflex: Not too many good recommendation received.

Blodgett; I don’t know?

Bakers Pride: Not sure?

Anyways who is using deck oven here that does at least $20K sales per week sells mainly pizza. What is your recomendation?

Thanks guys.
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54 views no response.

Should I lower the weekly sales to $15K or whatever your sales might be. Can you guys recomend any Deck oven?
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Hi:pizza DC:

I thought I would let operators respond but as you are getting so few responses.

First let me ask some questions.

Have you used deck ovens in the past?

How much space do you have to devote to ovens?

George Mills
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I worked for a pizza shop that used deck ovens but I can almost say i never used deck oven.
Space I am looking at is big enough. Almost 2500sq

I know I want deck oven for sure but not sure which one will be the best for High volume NY style pizza concept.
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I have used Blodgett deck ovens for the past 35 years. They are very dependable workhorses. I’ve got 2 double deck model 999C ovens and they will do about 80 16’ pies / hour total. I’m a decent sized pizzeria in the range you were talking about. In our area I think 80 to 90 percent of the pizzerias have decks. They just seem much more efficient and dependable to me . Just my opinion. I’m very happy with my Blodgetts. There are a couple of larger places with 6, 8 or 10 double deck ovens side by side that I know of. All with Blodgetts.
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Wow! "6,8,10 double decks? Thats just blows me away. They must be doing crazy numbers. That is unbeliavable.

Yes, you are right most of the places and friend that I have uses Blodgett that resides at NJ, NY area.

I guess chains uses Marsal Sons Oven because you don’t need to rotate the pizza according to Marsal.

How about Blodgett or Bakers Pride with newer type ovens they got is it still neccesary to rotate?

Thanks guys.
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Best Deck Oven In The World!
I have been using the four deck model for 2 years. The oven has no carbon monoxide in it so your pizza will remain fresh for a much longer period. My customers noticed a better flavor right away when I put it in. It is the most efficient ($300 Gas Bill per month on 6 days a week). It is the most consistant. I can load it up for four hours straight and it only loses 30 seconds on the bake time. I don’t have any 18" pies but I know it will do over 200 12" per hour.
I do $16K per week open six days. I would definetly give Dino a call and set up a demo. Tell him Paul from Claysburg Pizza sent you.
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You will still need to rotate with Marsals. We have two, and both of them have hot spots
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Hey Tony, long time no read. Hope all is well up there. I have a buddy down here that uses a Rotoflex pretty successfully in a decent volume store. If you want to make the trip and check it out, give me a call, I’m sure he’d be happy to let you check it out.
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Hi Pizza DC;

I see there have been many replies to your post.

It appears that your questions have been answered.

From the replies it appears you will need 4 or more ovens to achieve your goal.

aj453 answers the question about rotating the pizzas. I was going to state that all deck ovens I know of require rotating the pizzas.

Blodgett and Bakers Pride have been the most dependable producers for many years.

Most all our deck oven sales have been Bakers Pride. I have never had a complaint and they appear to be impossible to wear out.

Good Luck

George mills
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George Mills:
Hi Pizza DC;
I was going to state that all deck ovens I know of require rotating the pizzas.
Good Luck

George mills
I never have to rotate and there are no hot spots in my deck oven. Hands down it is the best you can get. It was used at the pizza expo competition in Vegas.
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Hi Pizza of the Month:

You do not state what make ovens you are using.

Apparently you have a make I am not familiar with.

May I ask what oven you are using?

As I have said before I do not use equipment I only relay what our clients tell me.

Your input will be appreciated.

George Mills
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George Mills:
Hi Pizza of the Month:

You do not state what make ovens you are using.

Apparently you have a make I am not familiar with.

May I ask what oven you are using?

As I have said before I do not use equipment I only relay what our clients tell me.

Your input will be appreciated.

George Mills
Pizza of the Month:
Best Deck Oven In The World!
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Verofone Ovens? I have to check it out in pizza show but they are too new. Verofeno owner has pizza restaurant and i checked it out on yelp and other review sites and didn’t recive much good feedback for their pizza.

Paul nice to talking with you again. I probably know the the guy you are talking about, They have two stores here in Herndon, and Ashburn. They do not bad.


It seem Marsal requires minimum rotation.
Rotoflex is harder to use then regular deck ovens. (You miss one tray you are done)

So can we say this; for someone to call themselves true NY style Pizza (besides dough size type) one must have one of the following ovens (blodgett, bakerspride, marsal) Forget about Fish too big and only one oven.

My choice for now is 60% Marsal 40% Bakers Pride.

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Its a great oven. It is costly up front but it pays for itself in time. It has 14" of insulation so your shop remains cool. Less air conditioning used!
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Do not spend more for Marsal. I have worked both with BP and Marsal. The problem with the Marsal hot spots is they are small. So one point the of the oven will be really hot, opposed to the BP that has a general area that is hot or cool.
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I called Dino from Veroforne, than he hooked me up with Mario from “Threebrotherspizza”.
I just came from there, their 3 newest locations using Veroforne. He said he used Bakerspride, blodget, Biro, Conveyor belt in last 35 years. I asked him to see for their new locations he is going to use Veroforne, he said
Yes unless new deck oven comes around thats better than Veroforne. For now he will stick with them.
He also said it doesn’t matter much which deck oven you buy out of BK, B, VF, MarS, they will all do job as long as you know how to make a good pizza.

He pointed out that Blodget and Bakerspride has hot spots, and one section of the oven much hotter than other. However with Veroforne thats not the case. All of the oven cooks bottom of the pizza same. And you don’t really need to rotate if its a cheese pizza, however when it has lots of toppings you do need to rotate. Same as Marsal

Overall experience was great he had 2 triple deck oven, we made the pizza together, it was nice and cripsy on bottom.
These guys are (3brotherspizza) real Italians and they know their pizza. They were very very busy.

He explained Veroforne imported from Italy and they been around for 100 years in Italy and Veroforne means “pizza oven that is suppose to be” Distributer is Dino in NJ

Only drawback even it is a 3tiple deck it is all one oven. Dino insist these oven don’t break down for long long time. It comes with 5 year warranty on parts and one year warranty on burner or blower. Natural stones from Holland.

Veroforne took the lead for me.
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sorry for the late response haven’t been on lately as i have moved to a new kitchen. at my old job, we were very high volume, did a crust that was a bit softer than new york style and we ran 4 Blodgett 1060s at 500, very few problems with them over all, main one being a recall on the safety valve for a bit. the trick is to have 2 oven guys one loading, and spinning one unloading, post topping and cutting. we were doing 500-800 pies in a day. 2 cooks at lunch, ramped up to 5 during the big rush/weekends. our sister restaurant runs 9 blodgetts, and run about 1500 -2000 pies a day. they are a constant 45 min wait for a seat. its insane, in a fun get your butt kicked every day kind of way.

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