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High volume phone system


New member
I need some help finding a new phone system. It has reciently come to my attention that in my peak hours approx. 60% of my calls are ringing busy or going unanswered! OUCH! I need a phone system that is scalable and offers call center functionality like call queing, call recording, hold, transfer, etc…

Thanks for the input,
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I am wundering how it came to your attention about the busy and unanswered calls. Did your phone service provider do a traffic study? Are you guessing at these figires or do your customers tell you they are having trouble contacting you?
In a former life I was a telephone tech so I would like to give you the advantage of my experience
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The phone book brought it to my attention. They were running a promotion on a new service they were providing.

The service they were providing was a new phone number they would post in their phone book which would forward to the store. So now they were able to track the calls to my store and then send me a report which brought this issue to my attention.

The idea was to show me how much traffic their phone book generated. So this report only shows a small portion of my traffic. The problem could be much bigger. I new that I was busy in peak times I just didnt know how badly my current system was handling it.
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I would be looking closer at the data they are giving. Do they have the ability to determine the time of day the calls reach a busy or no answer as well as the number of different callers?

I have looked at my call dsiplay some mornings and have seen the same number 15 times in 20 minutes during the hours I am closed. If I took 100 calls a day that would show 15% unanswered. The same could apply with the callers who reach a busy and retry several times.

What is the feedback from your customers? Hve they told you there is a problem getting through?

What is you current setup? How many incoming line and how many sets? How many calls per day?
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