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hiring managers


New member
Over the years this has come up for me several times. Typically i like to promote from within because someone who was a driver already has a good sense of timing for how long each run should take.

We have a small place, 28 seat dining area (counter service), and 65% of our business is delivery, about 30% take out and 5% eat in.

I have tried a couple of times to hire outside for managers and have not had good luck. The most recent was a mgr at a fast food chain for several years and was given good marks when i checked references, however after a couple months i reallized he was no more than a shift supervisor at best, not a manager. I worked for several more months trying to train and teach this person so he could take control of the night shift but he just wouldn’t make the effort to learn so i let him go.

Drivers these days make such good money that they don’t want to get promoted because they don’t want to add responsibility and take a pay cut. Who could blame them.

When we started 12 years ago min wage here was 3.35 and it was easy to get people to work inside for $6.00 an hour. The min wage is now $ 7.15 and with tips drivers make $ 12 - $ 16 an hour a lot of times.

I can’t afford to pay anywhere near that much right now. I also don’t like to have to work every hour that i’m open.

What are you folks out there paying managers / shift leaders, and what are you doing to get them. Do you promote from within or hire out?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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