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Holiday Advertising Spending


New member
I started another direct mail advertising campaign about three weeks ago and its the worst return I’ve done by far. The offer and piece is basically the same as what I have done all year but the returns are dismal. This is the first time I’ve had my printer, Gotprint, do the mailing as well to the same area as I had been doing.

Someone I talked to the other day, who has many more years in the business than I, said its just the holidays. People are so bombarded with advertising this time of year for other holiday related items they tend to not pay attention to other or more regular things.

Since direct mail is so expensive I was thinking to just shift my advertising to other media such as papers and magazines that are more affordable until after the holidays.

Any thoughts on this?
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box toppers and door hanging are the plan for this season. Direct mailing has proven a little hit or miss for me. I get a consistent return from door hanging.
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I do a little direct mail but this tends to be for either a new product or a very strong offer/coupon, even so it has been a bit hit and miss and when I take the into account the cost of direct mail I agree with RichM to go box topping and door hanging.

I tend not to do many offers at this time of year, its my busiest time of year so IMO why coupon/discount?
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I’m doing a combo door hanging idea I’ve wanted to do for awhile for the holidays. Menu, magnet and a post card with a special offer inside a door hanger bag. The idea is to hit potential customers with something that will cut through all the noise of my competitors using traditional media.
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Wizzle Wassell:
I tend not to do many offers at this time of year, its my busiest time of year so IMO why coupon/discount?
I understand your point, but I don’t want to stop advertising and the coupon gives me something to track and compare. Probably the best thing to do right now is just do other forms.

Oddly enough, box topping is the worst return for me out of everything although postcards I send out to my customer database are the best.

I just don’t trust the door hanging process. I don’t carry the extra labor that can go out and do it and I don’t trust the companies that you can hire. The effectiveness, I agree, is good.
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“box topping is the worst return for me out of everything”

How do you measure return? My 4-color box toppers cost me about 2.2 cents apiece. Post cards cost about 22 cents each by the time they are mailed.

When I calculate orders placed per dollar spent, box toppers are by far the best return. Nothing else is even close. For the cost of mailing to all addresses in our area just one time, I can put out 110,000 box top fliers which is about 2.5 years worth. It does not get me new customers the way a mailing does, but it does generate business for a very low cost.
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Regarding switching to newspaper or magazine…keep in mind those medium are all about repitition. Marketers believe new customers need to see your ad up to 7 times before they will react. While your existing customers may see your ad and clip the coupon…new customers will scan by your ad repeatedly before actually reading it.

To increase your chances in the newspaper with only a couple ads, try to get some editorial coverage along with your advertising. Maybe put together a quick coat drive, or charity event, and send out a press release. Or maybe piggyback on a charity drive the local high school or college have already put together…let them do some marketing for both of you, and you get some editorial coverage.

just some thoughts.
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What specials do you put on your box toppers, I haven’t had a good return. I’m looking to do a new full color 8.5x5.5.
I think my specials need to be updates.Any ideas would be great. What
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