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Holiday Marketing Promotions

I am in a small town of about 5000 people that has no shopping retail stores, so no extra sales from people shopping in town, then stopping by to eat. With people spending plenty of money on Christmas, just wondering if anyone has done any promotions in the past that has helped to boost sales around the shopping season? Thanks!
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Here are a few thoughts utilizing print and direct mail.

A scratch off postcard either handed out or direct mailed consisting of a Holiday theme would work great. For example you could have the scratch off inside of a wrapped gift box with some surrounding food images along with additional coupons on the back.

I also have a customer that does a postcard with a heading that says “Seasons Eating’s” that consists of a snowman holding a pizza with a really sharp design. He then runs a gift card along the bottom. Since his offer is aggressive, he cross utilizes the piece to retain their contact information and build his database by having a space that they must fill in their info. He has done this with me for 3 years in a row and gets over a 20% return each time.

Josh Davis
Vice President of Sales
Direct: 484.948.1611
Mobile: 484.269.3715
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