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Holidaying in the USA


New member
Just a week to go until my wife flies out to your side of the world for 4 week travelling around the USA (and some of Canada).

She is meeting up with my daughter in LA, who has been up near Chicago for the past 4 months and then going via Amtrax up to San Francisco, Seattle, across to Chicago, down through Memphis to New Orleans. They then fly to Orlando and train up to Washington DC where they meet up with my son who will be there at the same time, then on to NY and Boston before flying to Montreal and then down to Toronto and home.

Boy, I got exhausted just typing it.

They have all there tours and sightseeing booked and lots more. Doing this in 4 weeks I don’t think they will have much spare time to drop in on anyone but you never know.

My daughter has been impressed with the US to date and is in the throes of trying to get a visa to return for 12 months next year.

So over the next month or so if you hear of 2 Aussie ladies kicking up a storm across the US please think of me as I stay at home running the shop. :cry:

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Don’t feel bad…they will do more sight seeing in four weeks than I have in the past 35 + plus years…oh yeah I own 2 pizza shops…no wonder! 😉

They are gonna have a great time…lots to see.

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To bad they arent coming to the Vancouver area! I would invite them in for some AWESOME Canadian pizza!
Sigh, everyone goes to Toronto!
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To bad they arent coming to the Vancouver area! I would invite them in for some AWESOME Canadian pizza!
Sigh, everyone goes to Toronto!
Unfortunately us western Canadians are forgotten about by everyone. Just like the Europeans think the US is New York and L.A.
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To bad they arent coming to the Vancouver area! I would invite them in for some AWESOME Canadian pizza!
Sigh, everyone goes to Toronto!
Unfortunately us western Canadians are forgotten about by everyone. Just like the Europeans think the US is New York and L.A.
Well they are going up your way a little bit by visiting Seattle.

Can they call you for a delivery to the Holiday Inn in Seattle?

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You are funny, haha! But I think a 2.5 delivery time may not cut it. Not to mention having to cross the border, lol!
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Napoli Pizza:
wow, are they gonna be sick of hearing about the presidential election over those 4 weeks!
Is there an election coming on ??? :lol:

We’ve only just finished our own state elections the weekend before last and then it took over a week to declare a winner so they will be immune of all the hot air blasting.

I guess that’s why they will be taking their iPods / MP3’s with them.

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We are coming up on an election in Canada…It will be one of the shortest campaigns ever…
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Dave, didn’t you say your daughter was in Round Lake? That’s where my brother lives. Chicago is a magnificent city!

They’ll love Memphis. Beale Street, BBQ and Blues… what else could you ask for?

Kris, that’s a funny post because I was thinking the same thing; I wish I have seen that much of the U.S. I haven’t been to San Francisco, Seattle or New Orleans.
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Dave, didn’t you say your daughter was in Round Lake? That’s where my brother lives. Chicago is a magnificent city!

They’ll love Memphis. Beale Street, BBQ and Blues… what else could you ask for?

Kris, that’s a funny post because I was thinking the same thing; I wish I have seen that much of the U.S. I haven’t been to San Francisco, Seattle or New Orleans.
That’s right. She spent 13 weeks as a counsellor at Camp Red Leaf for disabled around the Round Lake area.

She has been just outside of Chicago for the past 4 weeks and loves the area to bits. She thinks Chicago is fantastic.

Unfortunately thet are only passing through Memphis.

Travellling is a big part of life for Australians and we are known for taking off overseas early in life to see the world, and like a lot of you don’t really get to see much of our own lovely country.


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Dave, didn’t you say your daughter was in Round Lake? That’s where my brother lives. Chicago is a magnificent city!

They’ll love Memphis. Beale Street, BBQ and Blues… what else could you ask for?
Interstate BBQ on Third street headed a good ways out of the main part of town,. I think it is south. It is in a classy old, old brick little dive of a building, and has outlandishly good dry ribs and chopped pork (he uses hams). I met Mario Batali there one day shoving a BBQ sandwich in his face. I had one as well.
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Saturday 7.25pm take off time … but … Saturday 2.15pm wife is putting papers etc in new wallet other daughter bought for her and NO PASSPORT to be found.

Turned the house upside down, sorted through the rubbish bin and recycle bin ( felt like a Domino’s dumpster diver), checked everything possible to check and still no passport. In the end had to call airline and cancel flight booking, Embassy to report lost passport etc, even phoned police to see if it had been handed in.

Have to go to embassy first thing Monday to get new one which will take min of 48 hours then hope to get a flight out so my wife can meet up with daughter who has been in LA for 2 days awaiting mum’s arrival. Daughter now devestated and majorly upset especially after being away for over 4 months and a bit homesick, and now having to cool her heels in LA for another 4 to 5 days.

Hotel bookings, travel and tours have to be cancelled and a readjustment of itinerary.

Now I don’t think I will ever get anymore ear bashings about misplacing my wallet or car keys etc (I always find them after a few minutes searching). Lucky she isn’t in charge of the keys to the shop. :lol:

Now I will only have 3 1/2 weeks without her being around. :cry:

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Well all thing worked out OK. The missing passport was at the bank (very cranky they didn’t phone to tell us) Anyway got it first thing Monday morning and then on to passport dept to get “lost” notification lifted. After many hours of searching they came back to us to tell that they had no record of it being reported lost (breakdown on internet site cancelled the automated email that said they received our “lost” notice) so her passport was still valid.
Received confirmation passport was OK at 3pm, wife re-booked flight and was in the air at 7.30pm.
Arrives LA at 12.30pm Tuesday only losing 2 days.
They are dropping off the San Francisco leg and the train travel from LA to SF and then to Seattle and fly direct to Seattle on Saturday being back on schedule.
So all in all wife and daughter will still get to see nearly all of what they planned to see in your country only missing SF and two days.

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I’m glad to hear things worked out . It can be so stressful dealing with itenerary changes.

BTW I just received a package from the KIWI’s with over 100 magnets.
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