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Homemade mozzarella?

I made mozzerella in culinary school, as for using it in a pizza business I think it would be really labor intensive.
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I think one person two hours per day should do it. But, is it worth it as faar as taste and quality? If yes, It could be your niche. no body else does it. even if the food cost is same or little more, its a great customer magnet(only if taste is better, I would think about it).
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I wll not do it as it requires still more specialized skills and equipment to do on large volume. The labor costs for me will outweigh the $$ I would seem to save in buying premade, sonsistent product.

If your shop is geared to handle producing your own ingredient, then go for it. Do look at local regulations as to manufacturing such a product. State Agriculture Department may want in on the oversight and inspections.
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Appriciate your advise. I seen Indian restaurant guys makin cheese all the times. no issue with health dept.
What i am realy tryin to find out, Is the homemade realy much better or any better than premade? I hope someone has tried & will answer.
Thaks guys.
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I have done it,… yu have to remeber its fresh mozz not something your going to put on every pizza… all you need is 140 degree water, milk curd, and salt… i think it taste great for specialty pizza and also for some appetizers… but your not going to make your pizza with it … i made it once a week it lasted the week for waht i used fit for and it take only about 30 mins… but like i said your not going to be able to shred it and spread for pizza… they are to different cheeses…
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