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Hood ?


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We recently replaced the fan motor in our restaurant’s hood and now have a hazy smoke throughout the building.

What could have happened here and how can I fix it. I will also need to clean the duct work as no company in town specializes in that, what would be the best method of cleaning them?

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I’m not sure if this applies in your location. I am required to have a certified company do an annual cleaning of my entire exhaust system. Both the fire inspector and the health inspector got real cranky when I ask why I could not clean the system my self.
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Make sure the fan is spinning in the right direction and also make sure u replaced the old one with something equal or better.
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Check the nameplate data on new and old motor to ensure you have same HP and rpm. Make sure the belt is tight. As someone else said, check motor rotation.

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Hi tykuen

Rick and BC have given you good information.

I would not attempt to clean the duct your self.

George Mills
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In addition to the things I mentioned before, many motors of that size are dual voltage motors which may require wiring changes in the motor depending on supply voltage. This info is also required to be on the nameplate.

Here is an example of wiring diagrams from one manufacturer for their various motors. You should have info on your nameplate showing how to connect your specific motor. If you are not experienced in this type of stuff it may be better to get an electrician.

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Another thing to look into is the age of the motor. We replaced a motor that was manufactured in the 70s with the one that matched it exactly and found that we had to go to the next one up after burning the first 2 motors out in a week. We were told that the original motor was made considerably better and probably had more wire wound up in it because just like everything else they make stuff as cheap as they can these days.
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