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How are the Colorado TT members doing


Staff member
I have been watching the Colorado flooding on the news. I hope all is well with you guys.
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Closed at 2pm today, 2 (1 for sure) bridges out in my immediate area. Several roads closed due to impassable water levels.

Had a steady stream of customers for lunch rush, but by 1pm the rain was starting to pick up again. So i sent everyone home and called all my night shift and told them to stay home. Do not know if i will be able to open tomorrow, lost power once already and now the sewers are starting to overflow.

Rain = good ( just got out of a 10 year drought )
Half a years worth of rainfall in 2 days… very … very bad.
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Wet weather but no flooding in our part of the state. My daughter is at the University of Colorado in Boulder and without power or water. Lives about 4 blocks away from the images you are seeing on the news. Waiting to see if they get power and water restored today. If they don’t I will be driving down there to get her.
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Stores in Boulder, Longmont and Louisville (all in Boulder County) all had different issues.

Longmont was split in 2 and the south end was not reachable. At one point the North end where the shop sits right was like an island. This was my bigger issue with my Boulder and Louisville stores as my key personnel all live in Longmont and we could not get to the other stores. Longmont was open normal hours through it all. Sales and service were not affected.

Thursday Boulder closed at 5:30 and did get open on Friday by 1:00 PM. Saturday was normal. Sunday was understaffed again and got killed as many other pizza shops had similar staffing issues and closed. At one point at 7:00PM we were pretty much only ones open. We closed early at 11:00PM due to not having our closing drivers who could never get into work. We probably could have done another $2000 that night but booked $5000 anyway. Lost about $4000 still of a normal week. Plus the cancellation of the CU football game cost food cost as well due to our vending contract at the stadium. $1000 in food to go to waste - more on that later…

Louisville, my slower revenue shop closed early Thursday at 7:00PM because my GM was the only one inside…no other insiders or asst managers could make it in. Plus roads were just sketchy! Friday never opened the shop as like I said in the begin of this tale, all my managers live in Longmont and we were land locked. Saturday was normal (although elevated sales) and Sunday was normal.

Back to the CU pizzas. We half bake personal 8" pizzas (pep and Cheese) for game days. They then bake them the rest of the way at the stadium during the game. Not 100% best product but aside from making them fresh in the stadium they are pretty good. 960 total were made up in my Longmont shop Thursday (7AM to 10AM) before the madness and flooding started. Friday night we cooked up 260 for the evacuees from Jamestown (tiny mountain town that was cut off from the world) and then this morning (Monday) we cooked the other 700 and donated to a church helping people from Lyons, CO and to the Salvation Army who fed 600 people lunch!

It was a test of our resolve and lucky for us only 1 or 2 employees were dramatically affected (1 cook in Boulder’s apt flooded and he lost everything but he is in good spirits). On a side note if you heard the stories of the 4 teenagers with 2 of them losing their lives in Boulder (off Linden Ave) the survivors are friends of ours - Emily is in the same theatre troop my daughter is and have been in our life for a long time.

It will take some time to get “normal” again but we are leading the charge in helping healing our community best we can. Monday is our M.A.D. Monday program where we donate 20% of our pizza sales to a worthy organization. August was the Longmont Humane Society ($2100 raised) and this month we expanded to all 3 shops and are supporting the local chapters of Meal on Wheels! We carry on!
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Glad to hear that you and your family are safe. When we were hit with a series of hurricanes through 2004 most of our town was without power for at least a few days. My store was lucky enough to never lose power. As soon as the street lights were out we stopped delivering and went carryout only. Prior to that, it didn’t matter how long I quoted, people were willing to wait. We did record days with carryout only and were only limited by our own lack of staff. As many batches of dough as we could prep, as fast as we could make pizzas we sold them. What I will change if it happens again is that I will not offer custom made pizzas, just one size and choice of cheese, pepperoni or supreme. I will keep the ovens full and utilize the little caesars hot and ready concept. At the end, not only was my store very profitable with limited staff, we were very much appreciated by the community as we were one of the only food places open. I look at those three hurricanes as a defining moment in my businesses success.
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Ya, hurricane charlie was my defining moment too…took part of my roof off & killed my wholesale busiess…

But life goes on!
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