How best to sell off a store worth of equipment


New member
We recently moved into a new location and upgraded the majority of our equipment during the process. We now have to basically sell off an entire store worth of equipment. I know I could sell via an auction company but as of late they all seem to be getting pennies on the dollar. I have tried to sell some of the bigger items on Craigslist but that is not really giving me any buyers these days.

Anyone have any out of the box ideas?

We are talking a PS360WB, Prep lines, Ice Machine, Reach In Coolers, Dining Room Tables, Chairs & Booths.
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I think you’ll be lucky to find someone that will come take the 360WB for free. We tried to sell a double stack about a year ago - not even the refurbers wanted it. Ended up taking it to the scrapyard ourself for enough money to buy lunch.
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We recently moved into a new location and upgraded the majority of our equipment during the process. We now have to basically sell off an entire store worth of equipment. I know I could sell via an auction company but as of late they all seem to be getting pennies on the dollar. I have tried to sell some of the bigger items on Craigslist but that is not really giving me any buyers these days.

Anyone have any out of the box ideas?

We are talking a PS360WB, Prep lines, Ice Machine, Reach In Coolers, Dining Room Tables, Chairs & Booths.
Best bet if you’re in a time crunch is to have a used restaurant equipment place come out to assess the value of it and see what they’ll give you. They typically will give you cash and they do all the work of removing it. Could even talk to them about trades too if you need any other piece of equipment.
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Ebay can work. I purchased some larger items there. But you have to be prepared to crate the items up and be able to lift them into a freight hauler truck.
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