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how do i fix it


New member
Hi I am the new kid on the block. My question is ; How do i beat brand loyalty when every piece of advice the big guys (Rodney Carrington, or Big Dave) give does not work in my town. I have been fighting a losing battle for 4 years surely something must work. I have very good pizza the best subs and salads in town. what am i doing wrong.
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At one point I used the line If you haven’t tried XYZ Pizza we admire your loyalty but pity your taste buds.
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No Patriot’s Pizza I did not start with a business plan.

I did how ever start with 2 Partners who i do not have anymore.

Did the line work Daddio, Cause I have been hollering best in town for 4 years now.
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It did bring in some customers. The thing with hollering best in town reminds me of a cartoon in Boy’s Life magazine back in the 60s. There was a block of pizza places each with their signs claiming to be the best. The first was best in the galaxy, next was best in the universe, then best in the solar system and so on until you reached the one that read Best on the Block. Guess where all the customers were.
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We’ll need a little more information, as Brad asked.

What are you doing? Who is your competition (no matter what quality, or even product)? What other restaurants are in your area? What is your area like, demographically and business-wise?
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Well the area is kinda repressed there is a mix of fixed income, doctors, college.
My competition is, Popa- Johns, Domino’s, Little Cesars, there are also a Larosa and about 3-4 local chains.
I have tried news paper ads, radio, door hangers Face book ( which I am not to effective with)
I have a very small but Very loyal crew, I am trying to recover losing my partners and recovering from bills caused by poor financial management. I really do have top notch pizza and my salads are better than salads in a top notch restaurant I use baby spring mix.
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Disclaimer: The following is a joke. I know you’re serious and are looking for help, but a little laughter never hurts.

When all else fails, try this:
  1. Copy the flyers and door hangers of the biggest volume chain store competitor.
  2. Change the phone number to your number.
  3. Distribute the flyers and door hangers.
  4. Laugh all the way to the bank.
  5. Say, “Oops, I’m sorry! I don’t know what happened!”
  6. Copy the flyers and door hangers of the number 2 biggest volume competitor…
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Hi Over:

There Is a company in the metro Detroit area That started up in the midst of one of the most densely pizza shop populated places in the nation. They now have over 40 shops.

They took the course of offering menu items that the other Pizza shops did not, Ribs, Fried Shrimp, etc.

Perhaps you should consider adding some items the other shops do not sell.

George Mills
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With a college nearby, things can be done other than price cuts.
  1. Beer
Have you tried 50¢ draws of beer? $6 buckets? Limited time per day, obviously, maybe late night?
How many varieties of beer do you have? Can you add a few cheaper brands, and a few more expensive brands?

A good friend turned a place around (he bought it at a point where avg week was about $2200) into what’s now, 18 years later, a $1.5m or so store, and his first project was bringing in beers. He now has 14 taps and 100+bottles and cans available. Sure, that is a nice neighborhood in a major metro area, so adjust to your demographics. One regular was selected “beer drinker of the year” or something by some trade group or something, because of the number of brews he’d tried combined with his knowledge based on a written test. Since that guy lives in the neighborhood, the pizza joint is his first stop when he takes anyone, INCLUDING MEDIA, on a beer tour. Believe me, the media aspect helped a lot…but it started with beer, plain and simple.
The pizza and related have always been top quality, but few knew about it. Beer.
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Having the best pizza and best salad is a wonderful ideal, however, you also have to meet your clients prices expectations…

I go out for steak every so often…The place that has the 35.00 New York is no doubt in my mind the “best” place around…But I usually go to the pub that has a 14.95 deal…Not as good but for the price I pay, it satisfies me…
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I’ll put a point on Royster’s comments - Saying “I have the Best Pizza” is totally worthless. Someone (I don’t recall who so sorry for the lack of attribution) said - if you were picked from the super bowl crowd and given a free 30 seconds to advertise your pizza place, which is the most powerful:

“Come to Joes, we have the Best Pizza” or
“Come to Joes, we use the Best Cheese” or
“Come to Joes, where we pride ourselves on using the finest cheese known to man. Did you know most cheese comes from Milk deemed unsuitable to drink? Not at Joes, our Cheese starts with 100% Grade A Cows Milk. It’s made fresh and shipped in an air-flushed bag to prevent the use of any additives. We put a whole pound on each pie and bake it to perfection. No other pizza place cares so much”.

So, you CANNOT let your product stand on its own. People do not know why they should think your product is the best unless you tell them why. And it’s best to tell them in story form. Bill Marvin has a great example about chilled salad plates - tell the guests you use chilled salad plates to keep the lettuce and ingredients from wilting on the plate - make a point of it. Next time that guest goes into a restaurant that DOESNT use chilled plates, who do you think that guest is going to think of…

Really detach yourself from your store and ask what makes your product and experience different. Or do a few anonymous surveys. Better yet, hire a marketing person to do a focus group for you - it will cost you a bit but I promise you the feedback will be invaluable.

Maybe if you post the name of your store, we can take a look at the reviews (I know, it’s a myopic view) and find a common thread.

For me, discovery of humility was when my business really took off. You have to be able to take criticism and to criticize yourself. If you’ve lost the ability to see your flaws, you’re in trouble and need help!
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