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how do i get my own pizza shop

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i want to open my own pizza shop i am tired of my so called boss screwing the pooch with his twenty some odd years of exierence he should be opening new shops on every corner instead were are constantly running out of supplies we have every kind of problem you can think of
it should be an exiting time to be in the business i think it should be a little more fast pace he seems to know how to run a business but for some reason things are not going to well for this company i mean the only person making any money is the land lord and he pays all the bills bobs and jacks
i like this site because you guys have a lot of expierance in this field maybe you offer me some advice on how to get started with my own
i have a dba, tax id #, a clean business partner, a loving wife, a college education, eight pizza bags, a bike with a basket, a connect on flyers i get a case of flyers for 250 bucks, bunch of guys willing and able to work, what do i need to do to get my own store i have got 5 years of expierence in the biz and the people under me have a combined ten years all of them would love to be part of this success
i repeat i am tired of working for some one else especially when under them and trere egos i will not get the chance i feel i deserve i have seen some of these guys still working at this shop for i don’t know how many years and few are happy i don’t want to be one of those guys
new kid on the block:
i want to open my own pizza shop i am tired of my so called boss screwing the pooch with his twenty some odd years of exierence he should be opening new shops on every corner instead were are constantly running out of supplies we have every kind of problem you can think of
it should be an exiting time to be in the business i think it should be a little more fast pace he seems to know how to run a business but for some reason things are not going to well for this company i mean the only person making any money is the land lord and he pays all the bills bobs and jacks
i like this site because you guys have a lot of expierance in this field maybe you offer me some advice on how to get started with my own
i have a dba, tax id #, a clean business partner, a loving wife, a college education, eight pizza bags, a bike with a basket, a connect on flyers i get a case of flyers for 250 bucks, bunch of guys willing and able to work, what do i need to do to get my own store i have got 5 years of expierence in the biz and the people under me have a combined ten years all of them would love to be part of this success
i repeat i am tired of working for some one else especially when under them and trere egos i will not get the chance i feel i deserve i have seen some of these guys still working at this shop for i don’t know how many years and few are happy i don’t want to be one of those guys
It seems like that at this point all you need is money. You can lease equipment or get used equipment on the cheap, but you still need money. You will need lease deposits/first months rent, advertising money, working capital, buildout, etc.

Money is the problem keeping most people down. If you have a house with equity - mortgage it.
new kid just browsing the back posting’s I have missed ,what geographical area are you located in I might be able to help you ,I will check this posting to see if you answer good luck
I do know of an oportunity in Wilimington N C he ran short on $'s let me know he is looking for an operating partner
new kid on the block:
i want to open my own pizza shop i am tired of my so called boss screwing the pooch with his twenty some odd years of exierence he should be opening new shops on every corner
Issue number one… number of stores does NOT equal success. Why are there so many independent shops? Because the big boys put out the same junk day in and day out. They are the McDonalds of pizza. If I want a cheap burger that’s decent but not the best in the world, McDonalds is fine. If I want a GOOD burger, I’ll go somewhere else.
instead were are constantly running out of supplies we have every kind of problem you can think of
it should be an exiting time to be in the business i think it should be a little more fast pace he seems to know how to run a business but for some reason things are not going to well for this company i mean the only person making any money is the land lord and he pays all the bills bobs and jacks
I’d bet that your boss isn’t making a lot of money OR he’s blowing it. The only excuse for running out of anything is no money to buy it.
a clean business partner, a loving wife,
Issue #1, I don’t trust “business partners”. When money comes into play, it’s amazing how your best friend can become your worst enemy. As for that loving wife, you and she had better FULLY understand how tight money is going to get, how many hours you’re going to have to work, and that “day off” means only working 10 hours instead of 16. If you’re not dedicated to the success of the business, it will shrivel up and die. Either you have to have lots of money or lots of time and it sounds like your equity will be TIME.
i repeat i am tired of working for some one else especially when under them and trere egos i will not get the chance i feel i deserve i have seen some of these guys still working at this shop for i don’t know how many years and few are happy i don’t want to be one of those guys
Well if you think the guy you work for now is an SOB, wait until you meet your new boss. It’s an oven and it’s breathing down your neck, offering you no benefits, no sick days, no vacation, and chicken scratch for pay. 🙂

BUT, there is money to be made and you have to understand that there’s a reason that most businesses fail, and even worse statistics in restaurants, and worse yet, pizza. The statistics also say that you won’t make money for 3-5 years on average. That means you’re LOSING money the first 3-5 years. If you cannot support your family on ZERO and you open with no cash reserves, you’re destined to become another statistic.

Now that I’ve pee-peed all over your plans, every rule has the exception. Papa John’s story (that I was told anyway) was that he rented a broom closet and turned it into a pizza restaurant with very little money and no bank would touch him. I figure that’s a little embellishment on how it REALLY happened, but it’s a good story none the less. I haven’t seen many broom closets that would hold a pizza oven.
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Snowman are you saying that someone opening a new pizzeria should have 3-5 years of income saved up before opening?
new kid on the block:
i want to open my own pizza shop i am tired of my so called boss screwing the pooch with his twenty some odd years of exierence he should be opening new shops on every corner instead were are constantly running out of supplies we have every kind of problem you can think of
it should be an exiting time to be in the business i think it should be a little more fast pace he seems to know how to run a business but for some reason things are not going to well for this company i mean the only person making any money is the land lord and he pays all the bills bobs and jacks
i like this site because you guys have a lot of expierance in this field maybe you offer me some advice on how to get started with my own
i have a dba, tax id #, a clean business partner, a loving wife, a college education, eight pizza bags, a bike with a basket, a connect on flyers i get a case of flyers for 250 bucks, bunch of guys willing and able to work, what do i need to do to get my own store i have got 5 years of expierence in the biz and the people under me have a combined ten years all of them would love to be part of this success
i repeat i am tired of working for some one else especially when under them and trere egos i will not get the chance i feel i deserve i have seen some of these guys still working at this shop for i don’t know how many years and few are happy i don’t want to be one of those guys
register and/or give us more information here, ie, the “w’s” who, where, why, etc.
I operate in Quartzsite, AZ in the winter and am looking for help. I would be glad to hep you if possible, geography being a factor,

good luck,

PS, come to think of it, I will update my profile now, Otis