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Menus, fridge magnets, box toppers, door hangers, memo boards, etc…Over and over and over again…RCS…
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Magnetic door signs and car toppers for autos that have big lettering with your phone number. Business cards handed out gratuitously everywhere, phone number on the front of your store, on pizza boxes.
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yea, im the store manager, but the owner is being stubborn, cause he used to own Burger Kings, and if it didnt work for BK it wont work. I try to explain that we need to do doorhangers and magnets, but he thinks it wont work. But yet, he had no problem wasting $700 on valpak. if you dont know what that is, its an envelope with like 40 coupons for different businesses in it. I dont know anyone who opens the damn things up.
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I got a credit card protector made up with my infomation on it and give one to every customer that uses a debit or credit card. I even had my bank ask for some to give out to their customers.

I even had one of the manager of one of the chains that sells a product that I don’t comment on my customers buying donairs but not pizza from him. He said he knew they where my customers because of the card guard.

Check with royster13 for these.
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MAGNETS recommend pioneer color
Go through every post you’ve ever made and remove every bad word you’ve ever said about your boss.

Then, tell him to take a look at this site. If he doesn’t open his eyes to new marketing after that, he’s a lost cause.
Perry I can not comment on Pioneer Color but I am interested in what makes them stand out…Just curious if I have to adjust my offerings to get the same endorsement…Thanks…RCS…
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I have a basket of keychains in the shape of a Pizza slice with my number on it…

The kids put it on their backpack, and tell their parents to get one.

The parents use it to call ahead to order as we do not deliver.

It has been the best way we have got our number out there!!!
I can only recommend who I have used, but I will give you a shot when I reorder…looks like you are $.01 less for 2500 and you offer .25mil thick vs.20, but I think the real difference is in your website. Theirs gives you about 30 pizza magnet templates to choose from, whereas you just have a portfolio of prior jobs (they do look good though). Of course, like pizza price is not everything, and they have very good service and turnaround too.
Thanks for the info Perry…I am always trying to improve my offerings so your information is welcome…As far as templates…It has always been my thought that a magnet is a blank slate until it is filled…And the best way to fill it is a “custom one of a kind creation”…Just like your pizza’s…You customize your toppings to make your “house specials” and they will not be the same any where else…But if you see an idea you like, I would be happy to do your magnets is a similar style…Thanks…RCS…
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