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How do you charge for half toppings?


New member
Just a survey to see what everybody is doing. We used to charge slightly extra for half toppings, then we stopped, but we’re considering doing it again as a way to offset the rising cost of food/supplies.

Do you charge 50% for a half topping? Most expensive half? Something in between?
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Most expensive 1/2 when I can’t talk the customer into buying to smaller pizzas rather than a 1/2 & 1/2.
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Same here…it’s the std. topping price period, not one complaint so far anyway. The other two places in town follow this same procedure though so maybe it’s just the “norm”.
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We charge half of full topping price.

This thread has me thinking though. Shops around here charge half also and we have a place that actually charges per slice-they dont have a whole topping price.

I like the 67% post.

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Half / half pizzas = dearest half plus $1 surcharge - no make your own, gourmets or small size
Half toppings = charged at full topping rate

less than .005% complain

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1/2 topping is charged as one topping. 1 1/2 toppings is charged as 2 toppings. 2 1/2 toppings is charged as 3 toppings and so on.
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Half topping, half price. Two half toppings = one topping. Just a service really.
same with us. We work the angle of being different than you guys who charge a full topping price 🙂 We used to charge full price when we did written orders, but changed to half price when we got the POS to do the math for us quickly.
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Lots of places put tons of time, energy, cash, etc. into building their business and then drive folks away by doing “silly” things…As far as those folks that insist “no one ever complains”…I am of the belief most “complainers” remain silent because they do not want to make a scene, however, they also shop elsewhere the next time…
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Lots of places put tons of time, energy, cash, etc. into building their business and then drive folks away by doing “silly” things…As far as those folks that insist “no one ever complains”…I am of the belief most “complainers” remain silent because they do not want to make a scene, however, they also shop elsewhere the next time…
Not saying anyone is wrong with their pricing strategy but this is so true. Whenever I hear the comment “and no one ever complains” I immediately think you mean “you don’t hear anyone complain”.

I’m the same way. I rarely verbalize a complaint as I just take my business elsewhere if I don’t like something.

We charge for what they order. If they order half a topping they are charged half the price. We understand the added cost of doing halves – more laborsome, more mistakes, etc., but customers don’t and never will see it that way.

People don’t always perceive the difference between you and a nearby competitor. So why give them an easy reason to switch?

Give me a captive audience and/or more business than I can handle I will definitely consider some kind of split charge or something. But, until then . . .
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I’d tend to agree Royce were it not the norm in our community and area evidently, and that the hand-full of customers that routinely split toppings are some of my best repeat visitors. Maybe it’s a locational thing. We’re near two major University communities though and seriously don’t notice a downside to not discounting a custom order.
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1/2 topping is charged as one topping. 1 1/2 toppings is charged as 2 toppings. 2 1/2 toppings is charged as 3 toppings and so on.
This is what we do as well.
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A lot of discussion on 1/2 toppings and price in general. I see a lot of posts that lead me to think that operators aren’t paying enough attention to price points. Let’s say you sell 200 toppings/day for 365 days. If you raised the price of your toppings by a nickel ($0.05) that would lead to an increase of $3650 per year. All from a nickel. Double that for a dime. The coinage does add up!
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unless adding that nickel lands me square into the point of diminishing returns. Then, I sell fewer toppings; I may make more money, but not the total you provide. I am right there with you about nickels adding up. I preach the same sermon to people I talk with. Know your data and see the path to $$$$.

There is a tipping point for these things based on the market. There will be a peak whereat the return on the effort/price increase leads to reduced sales. The metaphysics is figuring out how far to go to make the new pricing still outpace the loss in repeat sales . . . and marketing/spinning such things if they actually do diminish sales, so that you can grab new sales with the new price. New customers never remember the ‘old price’.
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