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How many Dough formulations do you use in production?


New member
I have 2 dough formulations now – Thin and Pan and would like to add 2 more for a couple different style crusts. Managing 2 more formulations would be tough as I’ve would have 4 going.

Is anyone running that many and if so have you had any issues managing the dough? Any tips?

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NFW! We use the same dough for deep dish and flat pizza. No way I want to start tracking different doughs in addition to different sizes. Can’t be all things to all people. Reduce complexity!
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It’s not that difficult, really. Whole wheat, or honey wheat or some similar thing, is popular. Have a par level, build to that every day, when they’re gone they’re gone.
Gluten-free is really taking off. Hard to make yourself, but there are local gluten-free bakeries in many areas. Buy a few and when they all sell, get some more. It’s also good for vegan offerings.

Something for everyone, not necessarily. That would be adding steaks, ribs, or sushi. Having different crusts is choice and variety, always good for customers.
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We do 2 doughs for our 3 styles. Our hand-tossed is rolled thin for our “Pub Crust” pizza, and we have a recipe that uses butter and egg that we make our deep dish from. The hand tossed formula is balled for our 8", 12" and 14" pies. We use the 8" ball to roll out for both our 12" & 14" Pub Crust.
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I’m also a fond believer in the KISS principal. I use one dough, an all purpose dough for both thin and thick crust pizzas, only the dough weights and handling procedures change between the two. The same dough is also used for calzones, dessert pizzas, and bread sticks/garlic knots. Add to that a whole wheat, wheat, or multi-grain type of dough and you’re set anyone who walks through the door.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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