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How many dough pans


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Im getting ready to open my first pizzeria, should be open next week… Just wondering how many dough pans should I buy. Im going to be using the 48 oz ones. Some people told me to buy 200 while another told me 50… My location was doing 5-6k a week with the old owners if that gives you any indication of how busy I will be… Thank you for your help;
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I use between 60-80 per batch of dough. I have 3 different sizes 8,14,18 oz. . I would think you would need to have 120-160 to start out with. If you are going to just do pizza you may need more. I think 200 would be a good starting point.What
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It’s the pan you put balled dough in to proof. You put one dough per pan,they stack on top of each other. I think it is a East Coast thing.What
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reckon they haven’t heard of dough pans or sheet trays - want to spend more money on equipment & wash more dishes - bad 4 environment
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When I started in the pizza biz 11 years ago the dough tryas wouldn’t fit in my prep table or 3 door refer. I’ve come a long way since the old days, but I just stuck with the pans.Why change now? What
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We use nesting trays. One tray holds 6 25oz or 8 18oz, or 11 10oz doug balls. The fit into a rolling dolly so we can move 20 trays (120 larrge dough balls) easily. We have 110 trays so when we are maxed out we have close to 700 dougballs in the walkin. There is no way we could handle that using a separate pan for each doughball… and the dishes!!

In the slow season we have a lot less. When we are doing 5K a week we are only using a few trays, but they still very easy to move around.

What is the advantage of a pan?
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My numbers are the same as yours, not as seasonal. I use about 650 pans. Like I said I just never changed to trays.
I just like the pans better. I have a system for dough management , I’m sure you have one too. I don’t think there is an advantage, it’s just what works for you best. What
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I worked at a place that did pan pizza where the dough proofed in the pans we cooked the pies in. Of all the places I worked that is only time I saw something like that. It never occured to me that anyone would use pans to proof dough that was going to be taken out and tossed or rolled.
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if you didnt put the dough balls into a proof pan what would you do with them, I like to keep my dough in the fridge for a day or two, doesnt taste as good if you use it the same day. I bought 200 dough pans today this way i always have a extra batch or so ready for a busy friday… We should do about 50-70 pies a day. Im hoping for more… ill see what happens.
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we use perforated sheet pans that slide in a bun pan rack…we store 12 large dough balls per sheet pan and each rach holds 15 sheet pans…that equals 180 dough balls in a small footprint that you can wheel into a walkin cooler and the best part is get a heavy duty cover and you can zip up the whole thing in 5 seconds
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