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How Many Employees?


New member
I’m in the process of opening delco and was wondering if you could give me an idea about how many employees I should start off with,such as drivers,cooks,cashiers. What is an average pay scale for each? Thanks for the help.
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Sorry, I don’t have an answer, in fact, just more questions 🙂 This is aimed at other Think Tankers:

How do have any idea what your initial volume will be? Is it a somewhat predictable result of marketing and visibility?

How many posters here have opened a new business (not re-open an existing, known location)?

How many started from scratch as a delco?

What was the strategy for those of you who opened your doors and had tons of business from the start?

How many of you opened your doors to almost no business at all?

Would you subsidize your drivers until volume reached an acceptable point?
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Uncle Doug:
Sorry, I don’t have an answer, in fact, just more questions 🙂 This is aimed at other Think Tankers:

How do have any idea what your initial volume will be? Is it a somewhat predictable result of marketing and visibility?

How many posters here have opened a new business (not re-open an existing, known location)?

How many started from scratch as a delco?

What was the strategy for those of you who opened your doors and had tons of business from the start?

How many of you opened your doors to almost no business at all?

Would you subsidize your drivers until volume reached an acceptable point?
Wow, talk about a hijack. You need to start a new topic to get these questions answered.
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Minimum for drivers plus delivery fees. Up to 20% more for other employees.

You really need to provide some additional details to get a relevant answer.

Hours of operation?
Separate delivery hours?
Residential location or business?
Small town, busy suburb or Downtown?
Are you working the store? Full time? Part-time? Full time x2?
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My hours of operations will be 3 pm to 4 Am.

I’m in a college town with lots of residential homes.

I’ll be working full time x2.
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Driver #1 3:30pm - 4:30 am = 13 hours
Driver #2 5pm - 9pm = 4 hours
Store #1 2pm - 4:30am = 14.5 hours
Store #2 3pm - 4:30am = 13.5 hours

Total Daily Hours = 45
@ $10hr = $450
monthly = $13,500

I don’t know the wages in your area, but you can adjust accordingly and figure in workman’s comp. I’m in California so I assume most places can come in under that.

This is assuming there will be slow periods to get all your prep done during the course of business and you are cross-training. Its pretty expensive starting out if you have specialized labor. As always, you can cut into this number a lot by watching your labor and sending people home early when business provides.

Personally I would not want those kind of hours but the trade-offs are for each to decide. Make sure you get security cameras set up as they “will” take advantage when you are not there late at night.
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the old dominos standard for a delco was 1 person inside for every 15 pies an hour and 1 driver for every 3-4 deliveries per hour so if you do:

30 pizzas/ 10 deliveries
2 inside & 3 drivers
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I thnk you are nuts to not be open for lunch. Add a manager and a driver for 4 hours a day and open at 11.
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[Personally I would not want those kind of hours but the trade-offs are for each to decide. Make sure you get security cameras set up as they “will” take advantage when you are not there late at night.]

Well one of the local police stations is right across the street and in the center next to us is the campus secruity which always has cars patroling,but yea we will also have secruity systems up. Although we have given a little thought to the hours. The weekdays would be 11 am to 2 pm,4 pm to 1 Am. Weekends 11-2,4-3.
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[Personally I would not want those kind of hours but the trade-offs are for each to decide. Make sure you get security cameras set up as they “will” take advantage when you are not there late at night.]

Well one of the local police stations is right across the street and in the center next to us is the campus secruity which always has cars patroling,but yea we will also have secruity systems up. Although we have given a little thought to the hours. The weekdays would be 11 am to 2 pm,4 pm to 1 Am. Weekends 11-2,4-3.
I wasn’t referring to local crime and robberies. I’m talking your employees. No that they can’t find a way around cameras, but at least its a deterrent and you can see what is going on.
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