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How many grams of ADY per 12.5kg flour for neopolitan?


New member
I have a new mobile wood-fired pizza oven I am breaking in. I am having a “kick-off” party in a few weeks. I have used several of the baker’s percentage calculators for planning. However, they all show a wide variety of measurements for yeast. Elevation is only about 600 ft. and humidity is about avg. not real dry, not overly humid.

The end game is to make 100 180gm pies.

For now, I will use ADY as I have it on hand.
I have some caputo ‘00’ on hand but not sure if I have enough. Therefore I am thinking of an all-purpose/bread flour mix and possibly add a little oil.

Any thoughts?

I appreciate the help!

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Without knowing your exact dough formula I cannot be too specific, but assuming a formula such as
Flour 100%
Salt 2%
Water 68% (variable)
IDY 0.25%

Total formula percent: 170.25
Total dough weight needed: 100 X 180-grams = 18,000-grams
Total flour weight needed: 18,000 divided by 1.725 = 10,434.7-grams (10.5 Kg.)
Total salt needed: 10,434.7 X 2 (press the “5” key and read 208.695564-grams in the display window.
Total water needed: 10,434.7 X 68 (press the “%” key read 7,095.596-grams/ml. water)
If your formula is much off of this example, you can plug in your percentages and calculate your exact dough weights needed.
Note: By rounding the flour weight up to 10.5Kg you will increase your dough size slightly to account for any dough loss you might experience.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Wow! You sure have been helping me out a lot! I appreciate it.

In your post, you mentioned IDY, do you happen to know how much ADY I should use instead?

Also, what about fermentation? Should I do this at room temp or chilled or a little of both?

I have been trying for months to get this nailed down. Thanks again for your help.

BTW, do you happen to have a book that discussed all of this?

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No book, at least not yet, but hundreds of publications, literally.
To replace IDY with ADY use about 25% more ADY than IDY. Be sure to hydrate the ADY in a small quantity of warm (100 to 105F) water for about 10-minutes before you add it to the mixing bowl. I like to adjust the temperature of the remainder of the water to about 75F, or whatever it takes to get a finished, mixed, dough temperature in the 80 to 85F range.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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