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How many off you calculate DDT for making dough daily


New member
I have never used the formula to get the DDT for the temp of water when we make dough, we always just use warm water. I have read that it makes a big differnce due to air temp and flour temp.

Im considering doing this at my shops and was wondering how many of you do this daily. and how much it helps

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We started using the formula a few months ago and it has made a HUGE difference. No more blown dough, no more under-proofed dough. The crust is exactly how I want it every time. Before using the calculation our crust was not consistent at all.

We vary the DDT based on how long we think we will need to hold it, ranging from 81 to 86.

It took a few batches of dough to figure out our “friction factor” and nail the formula down, but it wasn’t hard at all.
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I don’t use the exact science but the water temperature really dictates how your dough finishes. We have to adjust our water ever couple of months due to changing temperature. My dough machine is in a very drafty spot in the kitchen so in the winter the water is very warm and in the summer we need to put ice cubes in the dough just to make it not overblown.
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I spent 2 weeks in a test kitchen making batches of dough with an incremental increase of 2 degrees. The effects on the end bake were pretty eye opening. Getting your starting water temp right so you consistently have the same temp coming out of the mixer had a big influence on the end bake. There is a sweet spot where the gum layer in nonexistent and the crust is perfect.
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