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How many restrooms ???


New member
I have a tiny place, about 700 sq ft. I have two bathrooms, one has a toilet, urinal and sink and is about 4x7. The other is 4x10 and just has a toilet and sink with a 4x4 hallway. The issue is the bigger one is on the otherside of my kitchen wall. I would like to open my kitchen up as its teeny tiny. Where can i find the rules on whether I need one or two bathrooms. I could really use the extra 50 sq ft.
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I am opening a place in April, 2200 sft. 1 ladies 1 mens, sure wish I had two stalls in each. You might want to check with your local Heatlh Dept. And also, if you are in the US, I’m not so sure the ladies would be so keen on just one potty.
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because of your size you should be able to get away with 1 bathroom, like creampuff said, check with your Health Dept. When i started i was only 1000 sq.ft. and had 1 handicap unisex bathroom… once i moved to 5000 sq. ft. they still didnt care if I had only one, but i knew people wouldnt like sharing 1 bathroom for 200 seats, so i put in 2 more.
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ADA requires about 50 sf. That may only be if you have seating.

But your city will determine whether you need none, one, or two bathrooms depending on size and seats. At least here in Texas.
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Health department regulations and municipal/county zoning laws will be the guiding rules in most jurisdictions.
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Call your city anonymously and give s scenario for a place you are planning to buy. You don’t need unwanted attention on your establishment for any decision that you might make.
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Like Nick said every place will be differen’t but generally if you don’t have dine-in you don’t need public restrooms, just an employee bathroom.
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Yes we serve wine and beer.

I will call the village, without giving myself away and see what I can find out on monday.
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Just my tip on doing things with the city officials…we used to do what the others suggested…anonymously…but really what is the point? Not knowing the code will not make you exempt fromt the code. When we did our new place we went down and introduced ourselves to the building inspector…stopped by the health department and told her we were opening another place and when she had time would she come down and give us some input.

The building inspector was great…stopped by all the time…came to realize he is an ordinary man and often times offered much needed input and suggestions. He ended up removing and buying walkin coolers we wanted to dispose of. He is now a regular.
Same thing with the health department…she frequents our places as a customer…I call if I have a question…when they come in I realize they are there to HELP me not hurt me. The health department is quick on visits because I do what they ask and fix what I need to.
They are a resource you pay for…use them.

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They are a resource you pay for…use them.

Kris you hit the nail on the head. These people are by far the greatest resource anyone could ask for and they don’t mind spending time to answer your questions.
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