How much cheese on a pizza?


New member
Checking to see if I am still on the right track with the rest of you.

How much cheese are you putting on a


Haven’t been here in awhile!
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I do 8 ounces on a 14",
same per square inch on the other sizes,
For me, it goes like this:
7"- 3 oz.
12"- 7 oz.
14"- 10 oz.
16"- 13 oz.

Looks like I may be putting more cheese on than most.
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We put about 9oz on a 16". But these are for our own pies for my wife and I to eat and we prefer it with less cheese. I wonder if the average pizza eater prefers more, or less?
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12" - 6 oz
14" - 8 oz
16" - 11 oz
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Right off the grande portion control sheet.
          Least                most
8’ pie 1.5 3
12’ 4.5 7.5
16’ 8 14
18’ 11 15.5

Those are all ounces…If anyone is interested in seeing the chart i can email it…it says for sauce cheese and dough

Keep in mind grande melts better the most cheeses so when using the cheap stuff lean more towards the “most”
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So… the company that sells cheese is making the recommendation for how much cheese to put on? :lol:

Actually, Grande has such a great reputation I would give their recommendations credence. But as you can see, there is quite a bit of variability.
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Make a 14" pizza with 8.5oz’s of cheese and your (neighbors, kids, friends whoever) favorite toppings and one with 7 oz’s of cheese and of course there favorite toppings, mix them up and let your neighbors, kids, friends anyone that is not a “pizza professional” taste them. Ask them which pizza is better and why, I will bet (but what do I know) that most will tell you there is a difference (because you are asking them) BUT they will not really know why.

Do the math cheese is like gold these days…
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Just reading through the responses here and thought I’d add my 2-cents worth.
With regard to the amount of cheese, or any other toppings used, the amount that you are presently using is probably the amount which is right for you (actually, your customers). If you were to change the amount used, they may pick up on it and you would stand a chance of alienating some of your customers. Do you really want to take that chance? Also, hopefully, you have priced your pizzas to correctly reflect the amount of (in this case) cheese applied to your pizzas, so even if you are using more than the “norm” your customers seem to appreciate it, and they are paying for it, that’s a good deal by me. I’ve run some quick calculations on the amount of cheese some are using on their different size pies, and it varies quite a bit with some of you. Here is what I mean, if you calculate the surface area of each of your pizza sizes (12" 113 ; 14" 154 ; 16" 201 then divide the weight of cheese used by the surface area (sq. in./square inches) you will find the weight of cheese used per square inch. The weight of cheese theoretically, should be the same, per square inch of surface area for all of the sizes you make. For example, if you use 7 ounces of cheese on a 12-inch pizza, that calculates out to 0.0619469 ounces per square inch of surface area. If you multiply that by 154 (the surface area of a 14-inch pizza you get 9.5398226 (call it 9.5 or 10-ounces) of cheese weight, and if you multiply it by 201 (the surface area of a 16-inch pizza you get 12.451326 (call it 12.5 or 13-ounces) of cheese weight. If you work out your dough weights and topping weights this way, as yoiu go from a 12-inch pizza to say, a 16-inch pizza, the only thing that will change is the size/amount the customer is getting. For some of you, I see where you are using somewhat less cheese on your 16-inch pizzas, so, your 12-inch pizza is actually a better deal for your customers since they arew getting more cheese per square inch of the pizza, and I’d be willing to bet that this hasn’t been taken into account when the pizza was priced.
I hate to bore you with all of this math stuff, but some times it does come in handy, especially when we’re getting the “squeeze” put on us from all of our suppliers.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hey! I already live in Manhattan, Kansas that is.
This is the place where life is ssslllooowww, but the “Big Apple” is a great place to visit. I’ll be there soon for the New York City PMQ Pizza Show, I hope to see you there.
Tom Lehmann/TDD
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I am opening a pizza place in florida . could you sent me a email with thoes numbers. thank you.
Re: How much cheese on a pizza???

As much as the customer is willing to pay for!