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How much Co2 do you use?


New member
We are adding fountains & I am looking into bulk C02 vs. 20lb canisters from Pepsi. My questions is how many lbs of C02 do you use a month vs. the amount of seats in your restaurant?

It looks like the break even point for bulk vs 20lb canisters is around 75lbs for me based on the prices quoted. For those of you who use bulk C02, how much is fact that you do not have to change the canister worth?
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Just an FYI instead of getting the Co2 from Pepsi check out your area for Co2 suppliers Pepsi was charging us $40.00 per 20# tank plus $60.00 deposit I now have DPSG for fountain they do not supply Co2 so we are getting it from a local place I was quoted two ways to do this I could buy my tank for $180.00 and they would refill it at $21.00 or I could lease a tank from then at the rate of $43.00 per year and still get it filled for $21.00 and they have the bigger tanks as well but since we did not need the bigger tank I did not bother to check the price on those.
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We were quoted $18 for 20lbs. How many drinks or BIB’s do you go through on each tank? How big is your space? I am trying to get an idea of how much C02 we will use.
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