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How often do you change specials?

I was wondering how often you change your pizza specials? I currently am running buy any Medium or Family size pizza, get a 2nd Medium 1 topping pizza for $7. (additional toppings are $1 each). It has been a successful special for about 2 years now, but I think maybe people are getting tired of the same special. Any thoughts?
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We had specials that I hadn’t changed in a long time - over a year, maybe close to 2. I am not going to do 3-5 specials per quarter. I didn’t want our customers to call an EXPECT that we would have the same special, time after time.
With my new specials I am trying to accomplish:
1 pizza, multiple toppings
2 pizzas
Combo specials
at varying price points so I can satisfy most tastes & family sizes.

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I measure whether customers are tired of offers by whether they use them or not. We generally have several offers out there in various places. For example we have offered a free pint of ice cream with a large pizza for 17 years. Still one of our most popular offers. The math works. I see no reason to change it.

For about 12-13 years we offered $5 off when customer buys two large pizzas. Changed it to $6 a few years ago. Also very popular.

I don’t see any reason to change what works.

We have tried many other offers over the years and some for a long time when they work.
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After 17 years how do you know that it’s still working? What if the people are just getting a free pint of ice cream when they would have ordered regardless? Are you known as “that place that gives you ice cream with every pizza”?

I’m just curious on how someone determines if a default freebie like that is working or just killing profits. I’m asking because I’ve thought of doing something like that before, not because I think you’re making the wrong choice. A pint of ice cream for each large would be a substantial amount of ice cream (and ice cream dollars).
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A pint of ice cream for each large would be a substantial amount of ice cream (and ice cream dollars).
First of all it is a pint with an order… not with each pizza. If you order two pies you still only get one pint. We still go through a LOT of ice cream though. All in all I would rather give a pint that costs me $2.20 and has a perceived value of $4.00 than give a discount.

Second, we are in a tourist market… so, yes, our locals order and get the pint over and over, but visitors find the coupon and order for the first time. Not an issue really, we have coupons built into our price model and the pint fits the budget on a typical 16" pie.

Third, while the offer is popular it is not anything like a majority of the orders.

Last, rotating offers does nothing to address the issue you raise. Some customers are ALWAYS going to use one offer or another so… if they don’t get ice cream they get something else.
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Remember that the specials that you are “bored with” are the ones your customers “know and love” so don’t let your emotion or position color the issue. I would often say “Man, that ‘FAMILY FEAST’ special is old, been running it for 10 years and…”
Yeah, well I sold a hundred a night to the same people for 10 years so… sometimes what bores us is a known, comforting “I don’t need to think I know what I want!” special that people appreciate after a hectic day.
Nothing wrong with mixing it up a bit so a few come and go but I always kept my core 10 or so.
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