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How to deliver to a customer with no address.


Staff member
There was an interesting piece on the CBC radio station this morning. Every 9 square meters of the earths surface has a three word location identifier.

My office would be flukes.mindful.careful and can be found by using the what3words app.

This could be a game changer when delivering to parks or events. Now the challenge is to get POS integration and customer buy in.
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I have heard of things like this in the past, could be very useful, but words have the same problems as just pure gps numbers. Misspellings and converting words from languages just makes the problem worse.
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If the customer is calling from a cellphone, a good idea might be to create a webpage on your site. You send the customer a text message with a link to your page. When they get on the page, it asks the customer if they want to share their location. If they allow it, through a little bit of fancy programming (but not too much), your page can get their location by lat lng either texted back to you or emailed to you. I have used google maps for some of the things I have developed, and as far as I can tell, as long as you feed it a lat lng coordinate, it will find it, often within 100 feet.
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