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How to lower dough temp if water is at 105F for ADY?


New member
I use ADY, so in order to active it I put the water temp at 105F, add the ADY and all the sugar… then after it activates (10 minutes) I pour the flour then all the other ingredients.

Problem is, the dough is so warm that it never forms into a ball… it’s sloppy wet.

So how do I lower the dough temp if all the water is at 105f to activate the ADY?

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I started working in NYC area pizzerias around 1971. We used cake yeast and it too requires added prep. I would suggest you switch IDY. It needs none of the prep of ADY and you will never know the difference in the finished product. Just add water/flour to your bowl, then salt/IDY and mix. Walter
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I tried using IDY, my bread WILL NOT raise anywhere near the amount of time the ADY does… otherwise I’d be all over IDY.
Is there something else I should do to help “activate” the IDY?
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Yes thats what I used before… it will just not rise the bread anywhere near what the ADY does. Thoughts?
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Only use enough warm water to activate the yeast. Maybe a quart. The rest can be cooler.
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I’ve never used ADY but I was under the impression that the yeast was to be activated in a small portion of the water, not the whole amount. If only 5 or 10% of your water was at 105 degrees and the rest was room temp you would avoid the sloppy mess. Your dough will need more time to proof due to the lower temperature. But as I started with, I’ve never used ADY so hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.
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as Daddio & paul already stated, use only enough water needed to activate the yeast, keep the rest of it cool.

“Bread not rising enough with IDY as compared to ADY” ?
It seems to me that your yeast percentage is not correct. I am aware that percentages of yeast need to change when going from ADY to IDY and vice versa, but I do not know which way they go. Maybe someone else like our local baking expert here can pitch in .

I switched to IDY from ADY, I had to adjust my formula and mix times to get the product that I used to see, I do not plan to switch back to ADY anytime again. Because IDY makes my life so much easier from storage to usage.
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You don’t really NEED to activate your yeast. ADY will take a little longer to raise dough if pitched directly into the mix, but the longer fermentation time will give you a more flavorful final product. IDY is finer and has more surface area, it works more quickly because of this.

There’s a ton of great info on the King Arthur Flour website
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When using ADY just hydrate it in about 5-times its weight of water (you can use a little more if you wish as the amount is not critical but whatever amount you use be sure to reduce the amount of cold water added to the dough by the amount of warm (100 to 105F) used to hydrate the ADY. For most pizza doughs we are looking for a finished dough temperature of 80 to 85F, and with a room temperature of 70F the temperature of the cold water that you add will be about 60 to 65F. Here is a way to adjust the amount of water that I’ve seen successfully used at a number of pizzerias. Put the full amount of water (cold) in the mixing bowl, then use a measure to remove a small portion of water (a measuring cup works well) portion out two cups of water from the mixing bowl, using your hot and cold tap water adjust the water temperature to 100 to 105F, now use two cups (or whatever portion you used to remove water from the mixing bowl) of the tempered water to hydrate the ADY in, after 10-minutes hydration time stir/whisk the yeast suspension and pour into the cold water in the mixing bowl, rinse the container in the water in the mixing bowl and you’re good to go. In reality, you will end up drawing two cups of water at 100 to 105F and pouring it into a small container (bowl) then adding the ADY and stirring it in, then let it hydrate for 10-minutes, you can now add the cold water to the mixing bowl, remove two cups of the cold water and discard, then stir/whisk the ADY suspension and pour it into the cold water in the mixing bowl rinsing the bowl by dipping it into the cold water, you are now good to go. I like to add the flour next followed by the salt and sugar (in used), then mix for about 2-minutes at low speed or just until the flour is hydrated (you won’t see anymore dry flour in the bottom of the bowl) then add the oil and mix for 1 more minute at low speed, finish mixing at medium speed if your mixer is up to it, or continue mixing in your normal manner. By adding the oil later in the mixing stage (delayed oil addition mixing method) you will remove a lot of variability from the dough.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I can attest to Toms procedure above. We follow this procedure step by step, every batch, every day. It works great. Its a few more steps than I like so every once in a while something gets missed. Like forgetting to add the yeast to the mix. The quality of our dough has gone thru the roof since we implemented this system 3 years ago.
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