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How was your NYE?? And 2015?


New member
We had a really good NYE, 20% up from last year and almost beat Halloween, 3rd best day we have ever had

Last night was insane I think it was around a 750 pie night!

2015 was our best year ever up 6% from last year but we have had 6+ years of 25-35% growth so we are finally leveling off. But I’m not complaining, if was an epic year for us, at both shops.

Hoping to get 3rd and 4th shop open this year. Hope all was well for you guys this year!
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Great job ! New Years eve - Took delivery and rented genie lifts to double stack our new Edge 60 W Belts, kind of scary dealing with 1000 lb ovens suspended ! All went well , put them together today. Getting closer to opening. Happy New Year and best wishes to all my fellow think tankers !!!
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Some edge 60wbs are in my future

Just need to pull the trigger. My old MM are getting tired
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Last year on New Year’s one of our competitors had run out of food the night before and was closed. We did not know it at the time and we had our all time record day. This year numbers all week were very solid but not records. Our 2015 was down 4%. All of the decline came in Jan-Mar. Last winter we had a pretty lousy snow year and town was slower. For the rest of the months we were up a bit.
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Good New Years Eve but not in top 20 days. 2015 was best year ever, nearly 10% up over previous best, 2014.
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My shop in Longmont had an elevated NYE over a normal Thursday but nothing too huge for us these days. December was an ALL TIME RECORD MONTH at just under 163k and 2015 was up 12% (Record Year) vs 2014 at just over 1.7 Million.

My other 2 shops did very well - Boulder had a Record year too 1.5 million.

Congrats to all the pizza success!
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Pizza business is looking good. Lets hope it keeps up. When I started out in this back in 1988 pizza was a weekend party food. If you were over the age of 50 you hardly ate it at all. As the years go on it seems as if its becoming more of main meal item eaten by both young and old. Good for all of us.

We were up a good 30% for both NYE and NYD. Store for store we were up 14% ( doesn’t include the new location ) With all locations we were up 31%. Our new location fell just shy of a million for its first full calendar year. We are jumping for joy over that.

This year we are setting our sites on streamlining our operation from top to bottom. We are building a central commissary to handle all of our prep work. We are adding more order stations, remodeling 2 of the locations. Implementing a new hiring and training program. If there is a kink in the system anywhere we are going to fix it in 2016. Should be interesting.
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NYE this year was our best one yet. We have been open since 1959. NYE was always slow for us until last year. I thank God for all of the prosperity. We ended up with sales just over 1.8 million in a small town of 1,500 homes.
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^ How do you do those numbers with that population? are you in a resort town? You would have to have like 25% of the town eating there everyday!

lol congrats just explain a little more to me about this
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NYE this year was our best one yet. We have been open since 1959. NYE was always slow for us until last year. I thank God for all of the prosperity. We ended up with sales just over 1.8 million in a small town of 1,500 homes.
Thats nuts. You must have some tourism or outside business of some sort. If we had that kind of market share we would do $82,417 per day per store.
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The week of New Years is always very busy for us. We finished 2015 with best year we’ve ever had. 2014 was up 19% over 2013, and 2015 was up 9% over 2014. I set a goal of 3% growth this year, I don’t think we can gain much more, if we do I will need to remodel my store and install bigger ovens. It’s hard pulling off 12k weeks with a double stack of 1832’s
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^ How do you do those numbers with that population? are you in a resort town? You would have to have like 25% of the town eating there everyday!

lol congrats just explain a little more to me about this
Two reasons:
#1 We have a fundraiser business that did 700K
#2 Our lunch business is really good because we have several large companies within 1.5 miles of us. They employ around 2,000 people.

Another thing…since we have been here for 56 years, people travel from all around us to get our food. We have a unique pizza dough and we don’t deliver.
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My sales were up $732.00 over last year, But my discounts were down $26,042.00, Labor is down to 18.3%, Food & Supplies cost is down 4.3% to 24.5%. So even with a very small increase in $$$ business, I’m really happy how our year turned out.
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