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How would you have handled this?


New member
Wanted to get some opinions from everyone, so I make sure moving forward I make the best call. Every day I check reviews for the pizza shop. When I receive good reviews, I make sure to take the time and thank them. Likewise, when I receive negative reviews, I try to thank the customer for their order and for their feedback as it helps me improve, and ask for the information on their order to help us improve and offer a complete refund in exchange.

The problem is Facebook does not allow you to respond to ratings and reviews on your business page. So a customer rated us 2 Stars and said, “Tastes like Domino’s, not worth the money”. I want to make sure I apologize to the customer, and find out if there’s anything I can do to make it right and thank them for the opportunity to improve and earn their business. Since I cannot send it via my Facebook page, and my personal page is of good professional appearance, I sent the following message from my page:

My name is Nick Wrasse, I own Uncle Nick’s Pizza. I am sorry if this is an inconvenient way to contact you, but I did want to thank you for trying us and for your review. I apologize that we were not able to exceed the competition, but I greatly appreciate the opportunity you provided us to earn your business, and for the valuable insight with your review. If it is not too much trouble, could you please provide me with the telephone number the order was placed under so that I may find out if there were any determining factors that caused the quality of the pizza to be subpar so that we may continue to learn and grow? In addition, if you could provide me with an address I would be than happy to issue a refund for the order, along with a coupon for a free pizza to give us an opportunity in the future!Again I apologize if this is an inconvenient way of contact, but I did want to make sure I thanked you for your order, and for your review to help us improve!I hope to hear from you soon, and if you prefer you may contact me via the information below! Thank you once again!

So my question is, did I make the right decision? How would you feel about this method of contact? Any advice moving forward?

Thank you!
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I think you responded well, and a FB message is probably fine.

That said, I would let it go for a week or so and then delete the review. I feel that my Facebook page isn’t a review site, it’s a marketing tool run by me. There is no reason to leave a negative review up on your FB page.
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if it wasn’t a PM then the only negative I see is that by having an open letter on Facebook people can then “copy cat” complain and then you are up for heaps of coupons.
If it was a “hidden” message then all is good
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I think that was a good response, but you have to remember: there will always be complainers and you’ll never please everyone, try as you might. If you’re totally confident in the product that you’re serving up, I wouldn’t take the odd negative post so much to heart, though, again, I think you responded well to it.
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