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How's your parking?


New member
Has anyone ever heard of an industry standard on parking? For example, for every X seats in your restaurant you should have X parking spaces.

Our current location (stand alone building, I own) is 135 seats and 38 parking spaces (employees and drivers have their own separate parking spaces).

We’re looking at a 2nd location (rental property in a small strip mall) that would have about the same amount of seats & parking spaces, but would be shared with a few other businesses. It’s really the only problem I see with this location.

So…how’s your parking?
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Parking is usually dictated by your local government. I had to pass up a very good location because the parking didn’t match the “intended use” even though I am DelCo not a dine in.
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I think there are too many variables- downtown, urban, NYC, Suburban, country… people walking to your place, driving… grabbing a slice, having a 3 course dinner, the menu, etc.
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Parking is usually dictated by your local government. I had to pass up a very good location because the parking didn’t match the “intended use” even though I am DelCo not a dine in.
Being dictated by local government doesn’t mean that it will be enough. My new building is mandated to have 8 parking spaces which is all I am putting in on that lot. The local government doesn’t care that on a busy night I have 15 drivers and a bunch of instore employees that drive to work. Fortunately I own the neighboring lot and building and can utilize the parking there.

Patrick, are these other businesses going to be busy at the same hours as you are? At my current location I only rent to tenants that will not take up much parking during dinner hours. If you are dinner oriented and the other businesses close at 5pm, you shouldn’t have too much to worry about.
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Being dictated by local government doesn’t mean that it will be enough. My new building is mandated to have 8 parking spaces which is all I am putting in on that lot. The local government doesn’t care that on a busy night I have 15 drivers and a bunch of instore employees that drive to work. Fortunately I own the neighboring lot and building and can utilize the parking there.

Patrick, are these other businesses going to be busy at the same hours as you are? At my current location I only rent to tenants that will not take up much parking during dinner hours. If you are dinner oriented and the other businesses close at 5pm, you shouldn’t have too much to worry about.
Currently, there are no tenants in the building (new construction). I know that sounds like a big red flag, but (long story short) the location is legit.
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