HungerRush 360 changeover $150/mo to $500/mo


New member
I own/operate 5 shops in Florida. Recently Hungerrush has reached out with a renewal that basically renders all my current hardware paperweights. Have to rent all the PCs from them now and the software is around $300 monthly for 4 years. Anyone else dealign with this?
For the monthly rate does that also include their service, maintenance and license? What about the online ordering? I am a Hungerrush customer as well and have not received anything. However when one of my terminals went down they made me “lease” a terminal for $119 monthly.
sounds expensive. But I have heard this is very common. When I was with Revention It was about $240 for support and online ordering.
With Microworks I pay

$60 support
$99 Online Ordering
$30 notification service
$50 for 5000 text message notifications
$30 Delivery driver tracking
$15 mapping software/updates

$285 monthly
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It’s ridiculous. I’m a franchise and they are forcing everybody into it. Deadline to switch was December but they haven’t even scheduled anything even though I signed months ago. We were paying about $200 a month for online ordering and tech support. With HungerRush 360 we will be at a about $700 per store. That’s for 5 workstations and a KDS. That includes hardware, software, support and online. Supposedly if something that’s covered breaks (a workstation), they will next day a replacement. The big kicker is I have a bunch of stations that are a only a year old and they won’t let me use them or give me credit for them. Their support is hit and miss. I’ve had good and bad. Half the issues I have to escalate to get anywhere. I fought a reporting issue for a month and a half and now have another that’s been weeks of no reports and having to screenshot payroll. I generally end up handling support for my stores myself. I would have less issue if I felt like it was worth the cost. I’ve received mixed info on delivery driver tracking. Originally told it was included. But no mention of it anywhere.
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