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Hurricane Ike Update


New member
Got power back at home yesterday (Saturday afternoon)

Got power back at the shop last saturday at about 5 PM - got some people in to work and we had lines
out the door for a few days. Many of our competitors didn’t get power back until several days later.
I had gotten a slightly lessened food delivery on thursday because I figured we would lose power for a period of time (I’m in north Houston) We closed after we ran out of dough saturday at about 8 PM. I made about 24 trays of dough on Sunday and we opened for 2 hours, used all our dough, then sold thin crust only and closed when we ran out of cheese. Ran around town getting food Monday morning and opened from 2PM - 7PM on Monday and Tuesday. Resumed delivery on Wed through Saturday until 7 PM and carryouts until 8 PM (Closing early due to curfew and because we didn’t want drivers going in to pitch black areas)
We expect sales of about 16k this week (normal is 11k)

Power in area is about 50-60% back I think it should be almost fully back by Thursday

I’m tired but thankfull
It must be tough on those people who’ve been out of business for a week
and lost all their refrigerated and frozen foods too.

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Best wishes. Sounds like you are really working through it. It won’t be much longer now before normalcy returns.
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