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I can't believe people


New member
So things have been going great, but something my 10 year old son told me tonight broke my heart. He came to the restaurant for dinner with family and he likes to check on tables. Nice, gregarious, well spoken 10 year old who is highly intelligent. Well he told me the dad from one table asked him if he could do 5 push ups, when my son said not here he said come on do it. It was obvious to my emotionally intelligent son this man was demeaning him for being chubby. I’m heartbroken for him, something he loves to do so much, take care of people is tainted by some Asshole. It gave him so much pride to be in his families place. If I’d have known i would have thrown him out immediately.
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wear the armor - let the negative comments bounce right off - try not to dwell on them or repeat them -pretend you didn’t even hear them ! they will fade away faster ,
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I wear the armor just fine, it’s when someone does it to a young kid trying to work hard for his family.
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It sucks! I know. I have been a fat boy my whole life. There are still some awful encounters I remember to this day. but! Those negative events and all the positive events in my life have shaped me into the man I am today. I am not afraid to say that I am an awesome guy…

bulling is a shitty part of life and part of growing up. It really sucks that he got it doing something he enjoys and from an adult no less. (there is a special place in hell for adults that bully kids, I think its right above the pizza oven door) luckily he has a great dad, encourage him to continue to touch tables and interact with people. Don’t let him quit. (that’s something my parents let me do too often growing up) be there for him when it happens and teach him to stand up for himself or walk away if he can’t. And most importantly keep those open lines of communication, make sure he knows hes got someone to talk to.

It’s a crappy situation but a chance to learn a life lesson and it’s your job to make sure he learns the right lesson.
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wear the armor - let the negative comments bounce right off - try not to dwell on them or repeat them -pretend you didn’t even hear them ! they will fade away faster ,
Couldn’t disagree more. Someone treats my kid like that , I’ll have no problem escorting them out…
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Couldn’t disagree more. Someone treats my kid like that , I’ll have no problem escorting them out…
100% Agree. That asshole would be out the door. If they gave me a negative review I would tell the story in response.
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There have been times when I’ve had customers be nasty or mean to my employees and I’ve leaned over that counter and said “You have 10 seconds to be on the OTHER side of that door”. And this was a Domino’s where, I think, people think they can get away with anything (meaning a franchise, etc)
Told one guy “You can leave on your own, or the Milford Police will help you- up to you”
Simple fact is people are not use to being called to task for their rude, nasty behavior- I won’t put up with it or reward it. You should have said “I did 15 push-ups last night- on your wife”
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Typical power play by a petty person. He sees a kid, the son of the owner, and feels threatened because he feels like the kid has everything he never had (except for pushups) and has to assert himself. Obviously he’s oblivious to the reality of a running a family owned restaurant, no we aren’t millionaires, and actually we work anywhere between 60 to 100 hours a week much to the detriment of our families, but hey , since we own a restaurant then us and ours are the 1% and need to be put in our place. It’s sad really. Hug your kid, explain that some people are dicks and teach him how to disengage politely and that’s that. Fuck that guy.
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